
时间:2016-02-11 09:00:48

标签: vba

如何使用vba点击图片?这是一个下载链接。我想自动保存文件。 HTML代码:


<a onclick="location.href='/api/download.aspx?'+pixel.utils.getQueryPath()" href="javascript:;">
    <img src="/images/zip.png" border="0" alt="indir">

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


For Each ee In ehtml.getElementsByTagName("img") If Trim(LCase(ee.src)) = ""/images/zip.png"" Then ee.FireEvent ("onclick") '''believe got popup for download after click the image '''use your code to download from the popup Exit For End If Next ee

答案 1 :(得分:0)


Dim ee as variant, elt as variant, bool as boolean: bool= False
DoEvents: Sleep 1000

For Each ee In HTMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("a")
If ee.ID = "finansalGit" Then
    ee.Click: DoEvents: Sleep 1000: Exit For
End If

Set HTMLDoc = MyBrowser.document
DoEvents: Sleep 1000
For Each ee In HTMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("iframe")
  If Trim(LCase(ee.ID)) Like "*" & Trim(LCase("externalSite")) & "*" Then
    For Each elt In ee.contentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName("a")
        '''''or you can used this
        elt.FireEvent ("onclick")

        '''use your code to download from the popup
        bool = True
        Exit For
    Next elt

  End If
   If bool Then
       Exit For
   End If
Next ee