我在CentOS 6中设置了使用elasticsearch运行的logstash 1.4,2。我想在日志中发生典型错误时发送电子邮件的简单方法,我从不同的日志文件中选择日志。在logstash docs online中,我发现了最新版本的示例,即2.0。我不希望gmail示例在我的情况下不起作用。 还有一件事我需要启用电子邮件插件还是直接将其添加到logstash conf文件中?
答案 0 :(得分:1)
input {
file {
type => 'file'
path => '/home/tech/apache-tomcat-7.0.54/logs/em.log'
start_position => beginning
filter {
if [type] == "file" {
grok {
# The grok filter will use the below pattern and on successful match use
# any captured values as new fields in the event.
match => { 'message' => '([\w\.]*(ERROR|Exception))' }
#here is the output will be displayed in Kibana and on ERROR it will send notification
output {
elasticsearch { host => localhost }
if "ERROR" in [message] {
email {
options => [ "smtpIporHost", "YOUR-SMTP-IP",
"port", "25"
from => "<myemail@example.com>"
subject => "Logstash alert on Error "
to => "recipeint@example.com"
via => "smtp"
body => "Here is the event line that occured: %{message} %{@timestamp} %{host}"
htmlbody => "<h2 align='center'>%{host}</h2><br/><h3>Details</h3><br/><div align='center' style='color:red'>%{message}</div><div align='center'>%{@timestamp}</div><div align='center'>%{@version}</div>"
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
首先,您需要检查已安装的电子邮件插件 logstash-1.4.2 / LIB / logstash /输出/ email.rb 如果不存在,则可以通过运行此命令来安装它。 ./bin/plugin install contrib
如果你有插件设置,现在你可以测试脚本。 ./bin/logstash -f my-logstash.conf
它会显示很少的警告并读取日志文件,如果错误将在电子邮件中发送。 每当这个文件发生变化时,它都会被读取。