节点应用程序出错,使用Digital Ocean和FlightPlan.js - 所有已配置的身份验证方法都失败

时间:2016-02-09 07:59:49

标签: node.js ssh digital-ocean


rendezvousNode $ fly production 
✈ Running default:production
✈ Executing local task
localhost Copy files to remote hosts
localhost $ git ls-files
localhost ● ok
localhost $ rsync --files-from /var/folders/vf/38fsn66x58z04p9jkhkwbspm0000gn/T/ad78ad3f4a7594e09f3542d82fb76731 -az --rsh="ssh -p22" ./ deploy@
localhost ● ok
✈ Local task finished after 17 s
✈ Connecting to ''
● Error connecting to '': All configured authentication methods failed
rendezvousNode $ ls

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa