property appcurrentCount : 0
on run
set theFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Select the start folder")
end run
on doSomethingWith(aFolder)
tell application "Finder"
set subApps to every file of aFolder
repeat with eachFolder in subApps
-- replace icon here somehow
end repeat
end tell
display dialog "Count is now " & appcurrentCount & "."
end doSomethingWith
答案 0 :(得分:0)
下面的脚本现在可以满足您的需求。如前所述,您的图标文件必须是icns类型。我现在直接在choose file命令中添加此过滤器。
现在,所选图标将替换所选文件夹中所有应用程序的每个“内容/资源”文件夹中已有的所有图标。 替换将完成,保留已经存在的icns的名称。
set Myicon to choose file with prompt "Select Icns to be copied in every Application of the folder" of type "com.apple.icns"
set MyFolder to choose folder with prompt "Select the folder with all applications to be changed"
set Source to POSIX path of Myicon -- convert path to unix form
tell application "Finder"
set MyApps to every item of MyFolder whose name extension is "app"
display dialog "count apps=" & count of MyApps
repeat with anAps in MyApps -- loop for each App
set IcnFolder to ((anAps as string) & ":Contents:Resources:") as alias
set MyIcns to (every item of IcnFolder whose name extension is "icns")
display dialog "count of icn in " & alaps & " = " & (count of MyIcns)
repeat with oneIcon in MyIcns -- loop for each icns
set Destination to POSIX path of (oneIcon as string)
do shell script "cp " & (quoted form of Source) & " " & (quoted form of Destination)
end try
end repeat -- loop for each icns
end repeat -- loop for each App
end tell