
时间:2016-02-08 17:49:34

标签: sql oracle regexp-replace

我需要将几个字段连接在一起,这可能是也可能不是null。我最终可能会得到一个字符串:',, c ,, e ,,'我实际上想要显示为'c,e'。


with sd as (select 'a,b,c' str from dual union all
            select 'a' str from dual union all
            select null str from dual union all
            select 'a,,,d' from dual union all
            select 'a,,,,e,f,,'from dual union all
            select ',,,d,,f,g,,'from dual)
select str,
       regexp_replace(str, '(,)+', '\1') new_str,
       trim(both ',' from regexp_replace(str, '(,)+', '\1')) trimmed_new_str
from   sd;

----------- ----------- ---------------
a,b,c       a,b,c       a,b,c          
a           a           a              

a,,,d       a,d         a,d            
a,,,,e,f,,  a,e,f,      a,e,f          
,,,d,,f,g,, ,d,f,g,     d,f,g  



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


with sd as (select 'a,b,c' str from dual union all
            select 'a' from dual  union all
            select null from dual union all
            select 'a,,,d,' from dual  union all
            select ',a,,,d' from dual  union all
            select ',a,,,d,' from dual  union all
            select ',,,a,,,d,,,' from dual  union all
            select ',a,,,,,e,f,,' from dual union all
            select ',,d,,f,g,,' from dual )
select str,
       regexp_replace(str, '^,+|,+$|,+(,\w)','\1') new_str
from   sd;


str             new_str
a,b,c           a,b,c
a               a
(null)          (null)  
a,,,d,          a,d
,a,,,d          a,d
,a,,,d,         a,d
,,,a,,,d,,,     a,d
,a,,,,,e,f,,    a,e,f
,,d,,f,g,,      d,f,g


  ^,+       matches commas at the beginning
  |         OR
  ,+$       matches commas at the end
  |         OR
  ,+(,\w)   matches several commas followed by a single comma and a word.


答案 1 :(得分:-1)


with sd as (select 'a,b,c' str union all
            select 'a' union all
            select null union all
            select 'a,,,d' union all
            select 'a,,,,,e,f,,' union all
            select ',,,d,,f,g,,')
select str,
       regexp_replace(str, '(,){2,}', '\1', 1, 0) new_str,
       trim(both ',' from regexp_replace(str, '(,){2,}', '\1', 1, 0)) trimmed_new_str
from   sd;