
时间:2016-02-07 16:33:14

标签: php mysql performance mysqli forum








$topicID = $_GET['topicID'];
$forumID = $_GET['forumID'];
include_once '../includes/forumsData.php';


$username = $_SESSION['username'];
include_once 'header.php';
include_once 'navbar.php';
        <div class="bg">        
            <!-- Body -->
            <div class='body'>
                <div class="forum-title">Forums</div>
                // No topic chosen
                // Display all topics
                if(!isset($topicID)) {
                    for ($x = 0; $x < count($headers); $x++) {
                            echo '<div class="forum-header">' . $headers[$x][0] . '</div>';
                        for ($z = 0; $z < count($topics); $z++) {
                            if($topics[$z][6] == $headers[$x][1]) {
                                echo '<div class="forums">
                                        <div class="topics">
                                            <a href="?topicID=' . $topics[$z][7] . '">' . $topics[$z][0] . '</a></font>
                                            ' . $topics[$z][1] . '
                                        if ($topics[$z][3] == ""){
                                            echo '<div class="info">No new Posts</div>';
                                        else {
                                         echo '<div class="info"><a href = "../profile/?profile=' . $topics[$z][4] . '"><img src="../images/profileA/' . $topics[$z][2] . '" height="45" width="45" /></a><p><a href="?topicID=' . $topics[$z][7] . '&forumID=' . $topics[$z][8] . '">' . $topics[$z][3] . '</a><br><a href="../profile/?profile=' . $topics[$z][4] . '">' . $topics[$z][4] . '</a> - ' . get_date_diff($mysqli, $topics[$z][5]) . '</p></div>';
                                    echo '</div>';

                // Topic has been chosen
                // Display all the forum posts

                if(isset($topicID) && check_topic_exists($mysqli, $topicID) && empty($forumID)) {
                    echo '<br><a href="./">Forums</a> > <a href="./?topicID='. $topicID . '">' . get_topic_name($mysqli, $topicID) . '</a><br><br>

                    <a href="posting.php?topicID='. $topicID . '&mode=post">Create New Topic</a><br>';

                    echo '<div class="forum-topicHeader">Topic</div>
                        <div class="forum-repliesHeader">Replies</div>
                        <div class="forum-lpHeader">Latest post</div>';

                    if (count($forums) > 0) {
                        for ($x = 0; $x < count($forums); $x++) {
                            $replies = $forums[$x][6] -1;
                            echo '
                            <div class="forums">
                                <div class="topics">
                                    <a href="?topicID=' . $topicID . '&forumID=' . $forums[$x][0] . '">' . $forums[$x][2] . '</a><br><a href="../profile/?profile=' . $forums[$x][4] . '">' . $forums[$x][4] . '</a></td>
                                <div class="replies">
                                    ' . $replies . '
                                <div class="info">
                                    <a href="../profile/?profile=' . get_latest_user_reply($mysqli, $topicID, $forums[$x][0]) . '">' . get_latest_user_reply($mysqli, $topicID, $forums[$x][0]) . '</a><br> ' . get_date_diff($mysqli, $forums[$x][5]) . '

                // Topic has been chosen
                // Forum has been chosen
                // Display all posts for the forum

                if(isset($topicID) && check_topic_exists($mysqli, $topicID) && isset($forumID)) {
                    require '../BBCode/BBCodeParser.php';
                    $bbcode = new Golonka\BBCode\BBCodeParser;

                    echo '<br><a href="./">Forums</a> > <a href="./?topicID='. $topicID . '">' . get_topic_name($mysqli, $topicID) . '</a> > <a href="./?topicID='. $topicID . '&forumID=' . $forumID . '">' . get_forum_name($mysqli, $topicID, $forumID) . '</a>';
                    echo '<br><br>
                    <a href="posting.php?topicID='. $topicID . '&forumID=' . $forumID . '&mode=post">Post New Reply</a>
                    <div class="post-title ">' . get_forum_name($mysqli, $topicID, $forumID) . '</div><br>';
                    if (count($posts) > 0) {
                        for ($x = 0; $x < count($posts); $x++) {
                            echo '
                            <div class="post-header">' . $posts[$x][3] . '<text style="float:right">#' . ($x+1) . '</text></div>
                            <div class="post">
                                <div class="post-user ">';
                                if(login_check($mysqli) && (permission_check($mysqli) == 2 || permission_check($mysqli) == 3 || $username == $posts[$x][5])) {
                                    echo '<a href="posting.php?topicID='. $topicID . '&forumID=' . $forumID . '&postID=' . $posts[$x][1] . '&mode=edit">Edit</a><br>';
                                echo '<a href="../profile/?profile="' . $posts[$x][5] . '">' . $posts[$x][5] . '</a>
                                <a href="#">Add img here soon</a>
                                Other user infos?
                                <div class="post-text">' . $bbcode->parse($posts[$x][4]) . '</div>
                    echo '<a href="posting.php?topicID='. $topicID . '&forumID=' . $forumID . '&mode=post">Post New Reply</a><br><br>';

                // If we have selected a topic that doesn't exist
                if(!empty($topicID) && !check_topic_exists($mysqli, $topicID))
                    include_once 'topicnotfound.php';


在forumsData.php中,我访问数据库并根据TopicID和forumID将数据放入数组中。 e.g:

    $nquery = 'SELECT * FROM tableexample WHERE topicidcol = ' . $topicID . ' AND forumidcol = ' . $forumID;
    $ndata = mysqli_query($mysqli, $nquery);
    while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($ndata)) 
        // insert date into array
        $myarray[$z] = array($row['datacol1'], $row['datacol2']);

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


            // Topic has been chosen
            // Forum has been chosen
            // Display all posts for the forum

            if(isset($topicID) && check_topic_exists($mysqli, $topicID) && isset($forumID)) {
                require '../BBCode/BBCodeParser.php';
                $bbcode = new Golonka\BBCode\BBCodeParser;

                echo '<br><a href="./">Forums</a> > <a href="./?topicID='. $topicID . '">' . get_topic_name($mysqli, $topicID) . '</a> > <a href="./?topicID='. $topicID . '&forumID=' . $forumID . '">' . get_forum_name($mysqli, $topicID, $forumID) . '</a>';
                echo '<br><br>
                <a href="posting.php?topicID='. $topicID . '&forumID=' . $forumID . '&mode=post">Post New Reply</a>
                <div class="post-title ">' . get_forum_name($mysqli, $topicID, $forumID) . '</div><br>';
                if (count($posts) > 0) {

                    // checking user login & privileges
                    $isLogged = login_check($mysqli);
                    $hasPrivileges = (permission_check($mysqli) == 2 || permission_check($mysqli) == 3);

                    for ($x = 0; $x < count($posts); $x++) {
                        echo '
                        <div class="post-header">' . $posts[$x][3] . '<text style="float:right">#' . ($x+1) . '</text></div>
                        <div class="post">
                            <div class="post-user ">';

                            // changed condition, avoiding frequent mysql request
                            if($isLogged && ($hasPrivileges || $username == $posts[$x][5])) {

                                echo '<a href="posting.php?topicID='. $topicID . '&forumID=' . $forumID . '&postID=' . $posts[$x][1] . '&mode=edit">Edit</a><br>';
                            echo '<a href="../profile/?profile="' . $posts[$x][5] . '">' . $posts[$x][5] . '</a>
                            <a href="#">Add img here soon</a>
                            Other user infos?
                            <div class="post-text">' . $bbcode->parse($posts[$x][4]) . '</div>
                echo '<a href="posting.php?topicID='. $topicID . '&forumID=' . $forumID . '&mode=post">Post New Reply</a><br><br>';

答案 1 :(得分:0)



INDEX(topicidcol, forumidcol)

另外,你应该坚持ORDER BYLIMIT 25,即使只有16个(因为你不知道只有16个)。

25行应该不是问题。 25篇文章的第100页将是一个问题,但您稍后会回来询问原因。