
时间:2016-02-06 21:49:43

标签: ios appcelerator appcelerator-titanium


从工作室跑出来时,一切运行正常,我已经使用它的IPA构建将其发送给其他2个测试人员(iPhone 5c和6 Plus)。 5c运行正常,但6 Plus继续报告它出现以下错误:

无法找到模块:ui / common / MasterView for architecture:x86_64



appc ti build --platform ios --sdk 5.1.1.GA --target simulator -V "MyDeveloperCertificate" -P DevelopmentiOSProvisioningProfile

[DEBUG] Loading: /Users/lmtzusr/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/C5FDC6E8-16B3-400A-BE02-7395B73C5060/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/E20F949C-712E-4DCC-A6F1-77537C3CC85C/, Resource: ui/common/MasterView_js 


Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.1.0
Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Appcelerator, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

2/6/2016, 10:18:14 PM

Operating System
  Name                        = Mac OS X
  Version                     = 10.10.5
  Architecture                = 64bit
  # CPUs                      = 8
  Memory                      = 34359738368

  Node.js Version             = 4.2.2
  npm Version                 = 2.14.7

Titanium CLI
  CLI Version                 = 5.0.5

Titanium SDK
  SDK Version                 = 5.1.1.GA
  SDK Path                    = /Users/lmtzusr/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/5.1.1.GA
  Target Platform             = iphone

  /usr/local/bin/node /Users/lmtzusr/.appcelerator/install/5.1.0/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/titanium/bin/titanium build --platform ios --sdk 5.1.1.GA --target simulator -V MyDeveloperCertificate -P DevelopmentiOSProvisioningProfile --config-file /var/folders/1m/t5q8800n5hd4336871js49nm0000gn/T/build-1454793489011.json --log-level info --no-banner

[INFO]  Found Titanium module id=dk.napp.drawer version=1.2.4 platform=iphone deploy-type=development path=/Users/lmtzusr/Projects/TitaniumWorkspace/classic_test_1/modules/iphone/dk.napp.drawer/1.2.4
[INFO]  Found Titanium module version=3.1.0 platform=iphone deploy-type=development path=/Users/lmtzusr/Projects/TitaniumWorkspace/classic_test_1/modules/iphone/
[INFO]  Deploy type: development
[INFO]  Building for target: simulator
[INFO]  Building using iOS SDK: 9.2
[INFO]  Building for iOS Simulator: iPhone 6s Plus
[INFO]  Building for device family: iphone
[INFO]  Minimum iOS version: 7.1
[INFO]  Debugging disabled
[INFO]  Profiler disabled
[INFO]  Set to copy files instead of symlinking
[INFO]  Forcing rebuild: target changed since last build
[INFO]    Was: device
[INFO]    Now: simulator
[INFO]  Initializing the build directory
[INFO]  Creating Xcode project
[INFO]  Creating Entitlements.plist
[INFO]  Creating Info.plist
[INFO]  Disabling ATS
[INFO]  Creating main.m
[INFO]  Creating Xcode config files
[INFO]  Copying Titanium libraries
[INFO]  Copying Titanium iOS files
[INFO]  Creating debugger and profiler plists
[INFO]  Analyzing Resources directory
[INFO]  Analyzing platform files
[INFO]  Analyzing module files
[INFO]  Analyzing localized launch images
[INFO]  Analyzing CommonJS modules
[INFO]  Creating asset catalog
[INFO]  Creating app icon set
[WARN]  The default icon "DefaultIcon.png" contains an alpha channel and will be flattened against a white background
[WARN]  You may create an image named "DefaultIcon-ios.png" that does not have an alpha channel in the root of your project
[WARN]  It is highly recommended that the DefaultIcon.png be 1024x1024
[INFO]  Missing 6 app icons, generating missing icons
[INFO]    Resources/iphone/DefaultIcon-Small@2x.png - Used for iPhone, iPad - size: 58x58
[INFO]    Resources/iphone/DefaultIcon-Small@3x.png - Used for iPhone - size: 87x87
[INFO]    Resources/iphone/DefaultIcon-Small-40@2x.png - Used for iPhone, iPad - size: 80x80
[INFO]    Resources/iphone/DefaultIcon-Small-40@3x.png - Used for iPhone - size: 120x120
[INFO]    Resources/iphone/DefaultIcon-60@2x.png - Used for iPhone - size: 120x120
[INFO]    Resources/iphone/DefaultIcon-60@3x.png - Used for iPhone - size: 180x180
[INFO]  Creating launch image set
[INFO]  App thinning disabled, skipping asset image sets
[INFO]  Processing JavaScript files
[INFO]  Writing app properties
[INFO]  Writing i18n files
[INFO]  Processing Titanium symbols
[INFO]  Removing files
[INFO]  Invoking xcodebuild
[INFO]  Finished building the application in 54s 294ms
[INFO]  Launching iOS Simulator
-- Start simulator log -------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Script Error Couldn't find module: ui/common/MasterView for architecture: x86_64

appc ti info -t ios
Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.1.0
Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Appcelerator, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

  7.2 (build 7C68) - Xcode default
    Install Location          = /Applications/
    iOS SDKs                  = 9.2
    iOS Simulators            = 9.2
    Watch SDKs                = 2.1
    Watch Simulators          = 2.1
    Supported by TiSDK 5.1.2.GA = yes
    EULA Accepted             = yes
    Teams                     = redacted MyDeveloperCertificate - Individual (active)
                              = redacted MyOrgaCert - Company/Organization (active)

iOS Keychains
  login.keychain              = /Users/lmtzusr/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
  System.keychain             = /Library/Keychains/System.keychain

iOS Development Certificates
  MyDeveloperCertificate (redacted)
    Not valid before          = 5/18/2015 12:14 PM
    Not valid after           = 5/17/2016 12:14 PM
  MyOrgaCert (redacted)
    Not valid before          = 1/17/2016 2:28 PM
    Not valid after           = 1/16/2017 2:28 PM

iOS Distribution Certificates

Apple WWDR Certificate
  Apple WWDR                  = installed

Development iOS Provisioning Profiles
    UUID                      = redacted
    App Prefix                = redacted
    App Id                    =
    Date Created              = 1/30/2016 9:16 PM
    Date Expired              = 1/29/2017 9:16 PM

Distribution iOS Provisioning Profiles

Ad Hoc iOS Provisioning Profiles
    UUID                      = redacted
    App Prefix                = redacted
    App Id                    =
    Date Created              = 1/31/2016 6:11 PM
    Date Expired              = 5/1/2016 4:51 PM

iOS Simulators
  iPad 2 (ipad)
    UDID                      = D1AFF6C7-CB58-482B-B59D-FCAEB34F8924
    Supports Watch Apps       = no
  iPhone 6s Plus (iphone)
    UDID                      = C5FDC6E8-16B3-400A-BE02-7395B73C5060
    Supports Watch Apps       = yes

Connected iOS Devices

iOS Issues
  !  Unable to find any valid iOS distribution provisioning profiles.
     This will prevent you from packaging apps for AppStore distribution.
     You will need to login into with your Apple Download
     account, then create, download, and install a profile.

  !  Unable to find any valid iOS production distribution certificates.
     This will prevent you from packaging apps for distribution.
     You will need to login into with your Apple Download
 account, then create, download, and install a certificate.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

“流程”是这样的:app.js - > ui/handheld/ios/ApplicationWindow.js - >我的东西

如果我将ApplicationWindow.js移动到预期位置并更改名称,则可以正常工作。是否存在未记录的功能,需要以特定方式命名文件(除了app.js)。 希望是一些奇怪的东西,如果我以它的工作方式更改我的应用程序(重命名文件并移动它)没有任何区别。