我尝试使用' Catfood.Shapefile'解析文件。库,但它还需要.shp文件旁边的另外两个文件,我没有。
请给我一些建议!答案 0 :(得分:0)
好的,Shp文件是一个设计良好的文件,你可以看到描述here。 shx和dbf只添加一些帮助来解析shp文件。我在Catfood.Shapefile中添加了一个名为ShpParser的类。此类的输入仅为Shp文件。它不需要shx和dbf文件来提取文件中的形状。
1-形状构造函数 2- ShapeFactory.ParseShape
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
namespace Catfood.Shapefile
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public class ShpParser : IDisposable, IEnumerator<Shape>, IEnumerable<Shape>
private bool _disposed;
private bool _opened;
private int _currentIndex;
private int _count;
private RectangleD _boundingBox;
private ShapeType _type;
private int _currentPosition;
private FileStream _mainStream;
private Header _mainHeader;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public ShpParser()
_currentIndex = -1;
_currentPosition = 0;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path"></param>
public ShpParser(string path)
: this()
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path"></param>
private void Open(string path)
if (_disposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException("ShpParser");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
throw new ArgumentNullException("path");
if (!File.Exists(path))
throw new FileNotFoundException("shp file not found", path);
_mainStream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
if (_mainStream.Length < Header.HeaderLength)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Shapefile main file does not contain a valid header");
// read in and parse the headers
var headerBytes = new byte[Header.HeaderLength];
_mainStream.Read(headerBytes, 0, Header.HeaderLength);
_mainHeader = new Header(headerBytes);
_type = _mainHeader.ShapeType;
_boundingBox = new RectangleD(_mainHeader.XMin, _mainHeader.YMin, _mainHeader.XMax, _mainHeader.YMax);
_currentPosition = Header.HeaderLength;
_count = _mainHeader.FileLength * 2; // FileLength return the size of file in words (16 bytes)
_opened = true;
#region IDisposable Members
/// <summary>
/// Close the Shapefile. Equivalent to calling Dispose().
/// </summary>
public void Close()
public void Dispose()
private void Dispose(bool canDisposeManagedResources)
if (!_disposed)
if (canDisposeManagedResources)
if (_mainStream != null)
_mainStream = null;
_disposed = true;
_opened = false;
public bool MoveNext()
if (_disposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException("ShpParser");
if (!_opened) throw new InvalidOperationException("ShpParser not open.");
if (_currentPosition < (_count - 1))
// try to read the next database record
return true;
// reached the last shape
return false;
public void Reset()
if (_disposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException("ShpParser");
if (!_opened) throw new InvalidOperationException("ShpParser not open.");
_currentIndex = -1;
public Shape Current
if (_disposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException("ShpParser");
if (!_opened) throw new InvalidOperationException("ShpParser not open.");
//get recordheader;
var recordheader = new byte[8];
_mainStream.Read(recordheader, 0, recordheader.Length);
int contentOffsetInWords = EndianBitConverter.ToInt32(recordheader, 0, ProvidedOrder.Big);
int contentLengthInWords = EndianBitConverter.ToInt32(recordheader, 4, ProvidedOrder.Big);
_mainStream.Seek(_currentPosition , SeekOrigin.Begin); // back to header of record
int bytesToRead = (contentLengthInWords * 2) + 8;
byte[] shapeData = new byte[bytesToRead];
_currentPosition += bytesToRead;
_mainStream.Read(shapeData, 0, bytesToRead);
return ShapeFactory.ParseShape(shapeData , null);
// return null;
object IEnumerator.Current
if (_disposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException("ShpParser");
if (!_opened) throw new InvalidOperationException("ShpParser not open.");
return this.Current;
public IEnumerator<Shape> GetEnumerator()
return (IEnumerator<Shape>)this;
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return (System.Collections.IEnumerator)this;
using (var shapefile = new ShpParser("my.shp")
foreach (Shape shape in shapefile)
Console.WriteLine("ShapeType: {0}", shape.Type);