
时间:2016-02-02 01:22:40

标签: matlab plot spline



全部清除;     CLC;

%Defining Graph size
x = -D/2:((D/2)+l2);
y = -l1/2 :l1/2;
z = -D/2: D/2;

%Variable Definition
r = D/2;

%Winding step one

for y=-r-l2:0.01:0;
    x = -(r+l2)/r;
    z = sqrt(r.^2-x.^2);
    xyz = [x ; y ; z];
    %can be erased to remove points
    fnplt(cscvn(xyz(:,[1:end 1])),'r',2);
    hold on;

    %Axis Labeling
xlabel('X Axis','FontSize',14);
ylabel('Y Axis','FontSize',14);
zlabel('Z Axis','FontSize',14);
title('Tjoint winding w/o radii','FontSize',14);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


  clear all;
%TJoint Winding w/o radius
%The idea is to experiment with matlab 

%Obtains the values 
D = 'What is the diameter of the t joint? ';
D = input(D);

l1 = 'What is the length 1 of the t joint? ';
l1 = input(l1);

l2 = 'What is the length 2 of the t joint? ';
l2 = input(l2);

w = 'What is the width of the carbon fiber used? ';
w = input(w);

'Thank you, we are now processing the Filament winding of your T-Joint. Please wait ';

%Defining Graph size
x = -l1/2 :l1/2;
y = -D/2:((D/2)+l2);
z = -D/2: D/2;

%Variable Definition
r = D/2;

%Winding step one

for y=-r-l2:0.01:0;
    x = (-r/(r+l2))*y ;
    z = sqrt(r.^2-x.^2);
    xyz = [x ; y ; z];
    %can be erased to remove points
    fnplt(cscvn(xyz(:,[1:end 1])),'r',2);
    hold on;

    %Axis Labeling
xlabel('X Axis','FontSize',14);
ylabel('Y Axis','FontSize',14);
zlabel('Z Axis','FontSize',14);
title('Tjoint winding w/o radii','FontSize',14);