所以这就是我到目前为止所拥有的。感觉很接近,但我不确定如何解决第84行中的问题(第2行到最后一行:elif List.append(isolate(a),isolate(b))!= [] then List.append(isolate(a),隔离(b)中))。
(* val isolate : l:'a list -> 'a list when 'a : equality *)
let rec isolate (l:'a list) =
match l with
| [] -> []
| x::xs ->
if memberof(x,xs)
let xs = remove (x,l)
isolate xs
else isolate xs
( * val common : 'a list * 'a list -> 'a list when 'a : equality *)
let rec common (k: 'a list, l:'a list) =
match ((k:'a list),(l:'a list)) with
| (a, b) ->
if a=[] then []
elif b=[] then []
elif List.append(isolate(a),isolate(b)) != [] then List.append(isolate(a),isolate(b))
else []
(* val sumlist : l:float list -> float *)
let rec sumlist l =
match (l:float list) with
| [] -> 0.0
| a::x -> (sumlist x) + a
(* :: creates a list. *)
(* val squarelist : l:float list -> float list *)
let rec squarelist l =
match (l:float list) with
| [] -> []
| a::x -> (a*a)::(squarelist x)
(* val mean : l:float list -> float *)
let mean l =
match (l:float list) with
| [] -> 0.0
| l -> (sumlist l)/(float)l.Length
(* val mean_diffs : l:float list -> float list *)
let mean_diffs l =
match l with
set a = mean(l)
| [] -> []
let rec diffs (a,l)=
match l with
| x::xs -> (x-(mean(l))::diffs(xs)
| [] -> l
(* val variance : l:float list -> float *)
let variance l =
match (l:float list) with
| [] -> 0.0
| l -> (sumlist (squarelist (mean_diffs l)))/(float)l.Length
(* End of question 1 *) (* Do not edit this line. *)
(* Question 2 *) (* Do not edit this line. *)
(* val memberof : 'a * 'a list -> bool when 'a : equality *)
let rec memberof l=
match (l: 'a * 'a list) with
| (t,[]) -> false
| (t, x::xs) when t=x -> true
| (t, x::xs) -> t=x || memberof(t,xs)
(* val remove : 'a * 'a list -> 'a list when 'a : equality *)
let rec remove ((k:'a),(l:'a list)) =
match l with
| [] -> []
| x::xs when x=k -> xs
| x::xs ->x::(remove(k,xs))
(* End of question 2 *) (* Do not edit this line *)
(* Question 3 *) (* Do not edit this line *)
(* val isolate : l:'a list -> 'a list when 'a : equality *)
let rec isolate (l:'a list) =
match l with
| [] -> []
| x::xs ->
if memberof(x,xs)
let xs = remove (x,l)
isolate xs
else isolate xs
(* End of question 3 *) (* Do not edit this line *)
(* Question 4 *) (* Do not edit this line *)
(* val common : 'a list * 'a list -> 'a list when 'a : equality *)
let rec common (k: 'a list, l:'a list) =
match ((k:'a list),(l:'a list)) with
| (a, b) ->
if a=[] then []
elif b=[] then []
elif List.append(isolate(a),isolate(b)) <> [] then List.append(isolate(a),isolate(b))
else []
答案 0 :(得分:3)
由于这似乎是你正在开发一门课程而且它是基于之前的练习,所以代码转换为更多F#惯用语和递归函数的标准化格式,以便在到达{{3时更容易使用请参阅:currying和F# for fun and profit以及其他更高级的概念。
let funXYZ list =
let rec funXYZInner list acc =
match list with
| head :: tail ->
let acc = (somefunc head) :: acc
funXYZInner tail acc
| [] -> acc
funXYZInner list []
head :: tail
somefunc head
let acc = value :: acc
let acc = value + acc
let acc = acc + (value * value)
funXYZInner tail acc
匹配时| []
内部函数funXYZInner确实有Functions as First-Class Values (F#)并使用rec,即acc
语句,您希望涵盖匹配变量的所有情况。这是因为tail calls,因此您会看到有关未涵盖所有案例的警告。如果你看到其中一个警告并且不知道你为什么会得到它,你需要修复它们,或者冒着意外的运行时错误或崩溃的风险。
虽然您提供的代码只能使用浮动类型列表,但将来要使其适用于更多类型,您需要了解algebraic data types。
关于累加器,累加器可以保持不同类型,例如, float
。此外,通过拉出累加器值的计算,例如let acc = ...
有一个LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero<^T> Type Function (F#)函数memberof
// val reverse : l:'a list -> 'a list
let reverse l =
let rec reverseInner l acc =
match l with
| x::xs ->
let acc = x :: acc
reverseInner xs acc
| [] -> acc
reverseInner l []
reverse [ 3.0; 2.0; 1.0 ] // val it : float list = [1.0; 2.0; 3.0]
// val length : l:'a list -> int
let length l =
let rec lengthInner l acc =
match l with
| x::xs ->
let acc = acc + 1
lengthInner xs acc
| [] -> acc
lengthInner l 0
length [ 3.0; 2.0; 1.0 ] // val it : int = 3
// val sum : l:float list -> float
let sum l =
let rec sumInner l acc =
match l with
| x::xs ->
let acc = acc + x
sumInner xs acc
| [] -> acc
sumInner l 0.0
sum [ 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 ] // val it : float = 6.0
// val square : l:float list -> float list
let square (l : float list) =
let rec squareInner l acc =
match l with
| x::xs ->
let acc = (x * x) :: acc
squareInner xs acc
| [] -> reverse acc
squareInner l []
square [ 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 ] // val it : float list = [1.0; 4.0; 9.0]
// val mean : l:float list -> float
let mean l =
let rec meanInner l sumacc lengthacc =
match l with
| x::xs ->
let sumacc = sumacc + x
let lengthacc = lengthacc + 1.0
meanInner xs sumacc lengthacc
| [] -> sumacc / lengthacc
meanInner l 0.0 0.0
mean([1.0;2.0;3.0]) // val it : float = 2.0
// val mean_diffs : l:float list -> float list
let meanDiff l =
let rec meanDiffInner l m acc =
match l with
| x::xs ->
let diff = (x - m)
let acc = diff :: acc
meanDiffInner xs m acc
| [] -> reverse acc
meanDiffInner l (mean l) []
meanDiff [ 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 ] // val it : float list = [-1.0; 0.0; 1.0]
// From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variance
// Suppose a population of numbers consists of 3, 4, 7, and 10.
// The arithmetic mean of these numbers, often informally called the "average", is (3+4+7+10)÷4 = 6.
// The variance of these four numbers is the average squared deviation from this average.
// These deviations are (3–6) = –3, (4–6) = –2, (7–6) = 1, and (10–6) = 4.
// Thus the variance of the four numbers is ((-3)^2 + (-2)^2 + (1)^2 + (4)^2) / 4 = 15/2 = 7.5
// val variance : l:float list -> float
let variance l =
let deviations = meanDiff l
let rec varianceInner l numeratorAcc denomenatorAcc =
match l with
| devation::xs ->
let numeratorAcc = numeratorAcc + (devation * devation)
let denomenatorAcc = denomenatorAcc + 1.0
varianceInner xs numeratorAcc denomenatorAcc
| [] -> numeratorAcc / denomenatorAcc
varianceInner deviations 0.0 0.0
variance [ 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 ] // val it : float = 0.6666666667
variance [ 3.0; 4.0; 7.0; 10.0 ] // val it : float = 7.5
(* End of question 1 *) (* Do not edit this line. *)
(* Question 2 *) (* Do not edit this line. *)
// val memberof : l:'a list -> item:'a -> bool when 'a : equality
let memberof l item =
let rec memberInner l item =
match l with
| x::xs ->
if x = item then
memberInner xs item
| [] -> false
memberInner l item
memberof [ 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 ] 0.0 // val it : bool = false
memberof [ 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 ] 1.0 // val it : bool = true
memberof [ 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 ] 2.0 // trueval it : bool = true
memberof [ 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 ] 3.0 // val it : bool = true
memberof [ 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 ] 4.0 // val it : bool = false
// val remove : l:'a list -> item:'a -> 'a list when 'a : equality
let remove l item =
let rec removeInner l item acc =
match l with
| x::xs ->
if x = item then
removeInner xs item acc
let acc = x :: acc
removeInner xs item acc
| [] -> reverse acc
removeInner l item []
remove [ 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 ] 0.0 // val it : float list = [1.0; 2.0; 3.0]
remove [ 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 ] 1.0 // val it : float list = [2.0; 3.0]
remove [ 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 ] 2.0 // val it : float list = [1.0; 3.0]
remove [ 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 ] 3.0 // val it : float list = [1.0; 2.0]
remove [ 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 ] 4.0 // val it : float list = [1.0; 2.0; 3.0]
(* End of question 2 *) (* Do not edit this line *)
(* Question 3 *) (* Do not edit this line *)
// val isolate : list:'a list -> 'a list when 'a : equality
let isolate list =
let rec isolateInner searchList commonlist =
match searchList with
| x::xs ->
if (memberof commonlist x) then
isolateInner xs commonlist
let commonlist = (x :: commonlist)
isolateInner xs commonlist
| [] -> reverse commonlist
isolateInner list []
isolate [ 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 ] // val it : float list = [1.0; 2.0; 3.0]
isolate [ 1.0; 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 ] // val it : float list = [1.0; 2.0; 3.0]
isolate [ 1.0; 2.0; 2.0; 3.0 ] // val it : float list = [1.0; 2.0; 3.0]
isolate [ 1.0; 2.0; 3.0; 3.0 ] // val it : float list = [1.0; 2.0; 3.0]
isolate [ 3.0; 2.0; 1.0; 1.0; 2.0; 3.0; 2.0; 1.0; 1.0; 3.0] // val it : float list = [3.0; 2.0; 1.0]
(* End of question 3 *) (* Do not edit this line *)
(* Question 4 *) (* Do not edit this line *)
// val common : a:'a list -> b:'a list -> 'a list when 'a : equality
let common a b =
let rec commonInner a b acc =
match (a,b) with
| (x::xs,b) ->
if (memberof acc x) then
commonInner xs b acc
let acc = x :: acc
commonInner xs b acc
| ([],y::ys) ->
if (memberof acc y) then
commonInner [] ys acc
let acc = y :: acc
commonInner [] ys acc
| ([],[]) -> reverse acc
commonInner a b []
common [ 1.0; 2.0; 6.0; 10.0] [ 5.0; 6.0; 10.0 ] // val it : float list = [1.0; 2.0; 6.0; 10.0; 5.0]