
时间:2016-01-27 16:43:50

标签: python


for line1 in area_codes_file.readlines():
    if area_code_extract.search(line1):
area_codes = tuple(area_codes)

和我在Python中读到的文件中充满了电话号码。 如果电话号码以元组中的某个区号开头,我需要做的事情: 1是保持号码 2是要知道哪个区号与之匹配,需要将区号放在括号中。


for line in txt.readlines():
is_number = phonenumbers.parse(line,"GB")
if phonenumbers.is_valid_number(is_number):
    if line.startswith(area_codes):
        print (line)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


for line in txt:
    is_number = phonenumbers.parse(line,"GB")
    if phonenumbers.is_valid_number(is_number):
        if line.startswith(area_codes):
            print(line, next(filter(line.startswith, area_codes)))

由于我们知道filter(line.startswith, area_codes)只会获得一次点击,我们只需使用next来点击。

注意:在Python 2上,您应该使用from future_builtins import filter启动文件以获取基于filter的生成器(当您获得匹配时,也可以通过停止搜索来节省工作量)。 Python 3的filter已经表现得像这样。

为了获得更高的性能,同时测试所有前缀并确定使用regular expressions命中的值的方法是:

import re

# Function that will match any of the given prefixes returning a match obj on hit
area_code_matcher = re.compile(r'|'.join(map(re.escape, area_codes))).match
for line in txt:
    is_number = phonenumbers.parse(line,"GB")
    if phonenumbers.is_valid_number(is_number):
        # Returns None on miss, match object on hit
        m = area_code_matcher(line)
        if m is not None:
            # Whatever matched is in the 0th grouping
            print(line, m.group())


# If there are a lot of area codes, using a set/frozenset will allow much faster lookup
area_codes_set = frozenset(area_codes)
for line in txt:
    is_number = phonenumbers.parse(line,"GB")
    if phonenumbers.is_valid_number(is_number):
        # Assuming lines that match always start with ###
        if line[:3] in area_codes_set:
            print(line, line[:3])