关于使用Retrofit v2 Library的java.lang.NullPointerException

时间:2016-01-25 12:24:12

标签: android gson retrofit2

我正在使用Retrofit v2库compile' com.squareup.retrofit:retrofit:2.0.0-beta2'用于发送网络请求。在将数据发布到服务器时,我得到空响应。我正在将JSON数据发送到服务器。


public interface MyAPI {
Call<List<Message>>loadMessages(@Path("roomID") String roomID);

Call<Example>login(@Body String str);



public class UserLogin {
String email;

String password;

public UserLogin(String email, String password) {
    this.email = email;
    this.password = password;

public String toString() {
    return "UserLogin {email =" + email + ",password = " + password + "}";



   Retrofit retrofit1 = new Retrofit.Builder()
    MyAPI myPostApi = retrofit1.create(MyAPI.class);
    UserLogin userLogin = new UserLogin("j@yahoo.com", "Admin123#");
    Gson gson = new Gson();
    String json = gson.toJson(userLogin);
    Call<Example> call1 = myPostApi.login(json);
    call1.enqueue(new Callback<Example>() {
        public void onResponse(Response<Example> response, Retrofit retrofit) {
            Log.e("Response", String.valueOf(response.body()));
            Example example = response.body();
            Detail detail = example.getDetail();
            Log.e("Access Token", detail.getAccessToken());

        public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
            Log.e("Failure", String.valueOf(t));


这是使用Retrofit Library向服务器发送电子邮件ID和密码的代码段。您可以看到,我正在使用GSON库将包含emailID和密码的对象转换为JSON并将JSON字符串发布到服务器。


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    "updated_on": "2015-10-17 16:39:55",
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public class EducationInfo {

private String userQualificationId;
private String userId;
private String instituteName;
private String qualificationType;
private Object fromMonth;
private Object toMonth;
private String fromYear;
private String toYear;
private String otherQualificationTypeDescription;
private String fieldOfStudy;
private String dateCreated;
private String dateModified;
private Object currentlyStudingHere;
private Object programId;
private String instituteId;
private String logo;

 * @return
 * The userQualificationId
public String getUserQualificationId() {
    return userQualificationId;

 * @param userQualificationId
 * The user_qualification_id
public void setUserQualificationId(String userQualificationId) {
    this.userQualificationId = userQualificationId;

 * @return
 * The userId
public String getUserId() {
    return userId;

 * @param userId
 * The user_id
public void setUserId(String userId) {
    this.userId = userId;

 * @return
 * The instituteName
public String getInstituteName() {
    return instituteName;

 * @param instituteName
 * The institute_name
public void setInstituteName(String instituteName) {
    this.instituteName = instituteName;

 * @return
 * The qualificationType
public String getQualificationType() {
    return qualificationType;

 * @param qualificationType
 * The qualification_type
public void setQualificationType(String qualificationType) {
    this.qualificationType = qualificationType;

 * @return
 * The fromMonth
public Object getFromMonth() {
    return fromMonth;

 * @param fromMonth
 * The from_month
public void setFromMonth(Object fromMonth) {
    this.fromMonth = fromMonth;

 * @return
 * The toMonth
public Object getToMonth() {
    return toMonth;

 * @param toMonth
 * The to_month
public void setToMonth(Object toMonth) {
    this.toMonth = toMonth;

 * @return
 * The fromYear
public String getFromYear() {
    return fromYear;

 * @param fromYear
 * The from_year
public void setFromYear(String fromYear) {
    this.fromYear = fromYear;

 * @return
 * The toYear
public String getToYear() {
    return toYear;

 * @param toYear
 * The to_year
public void setToYear(String toYear) {
    this.toYear = toYear;

 * @return
 * The otherQualificationTypeDescription
public String getOtherQualificationTypeDescription() {
    return otherQualificationTypeDescription;

 * @param otherQualificationTypeDescription
 * The other_qualification_type_description
public void setOtherQualificationTypeDescription(String otherQualificationTypeDescription) {
    this.otherQualificationTypeDescription = otherQualificationTypeDescription;

 * @return
 * The fieldOfStudy
public String getFieldOfStudy() {
    return fieldOfStudy;

 * @param fieldOfStudy
 * The field_of_study
public void setFieldOfStudy(String fieldOfStudy) {
    this.fieldOfStudy = fieldOfStudy;

 * @return
 * The dateCreated
public String getDateCreated() {
    return dateCreated;

 * @param dateCreated
 * The date_created
public void setDateCreated(String dateCreated) {
    this.dateCreated = dateCreated;

 * @return
 * The dateModified
public String getDateModified() {
    return dateModified;

 * @param dateModified
 * The date_modified
public void setDateModified(String dateModified) {
    this.dateModified = dateModified;

 * @return
 * The currentlyStudingHere
public Object getCurrentlyStudingHere() {
    return currentlyStudingHere;

 * @param currentlyStudingHere
 * The currently_studing_here
public void setCurrentlyStudingHere(Object currentlyStudingHere) {
    this.currentlyStudingHere = currentlyStudingHere;

 * @return
 * The programId
public Object getProgramId() {
    return programId;

 * @param programId
 * The program_id
public void setProgramId(Object programId) {
    this.programId = programId;

 * @return
 * The instituteId
public String getInstituteId() {
    return instituteId;

 * @param instituteId
 * The institute_id
public void setInstituteId(String instituteId) {
    this.instituteId = instituteId;

 * @return
 * The logo
public String getLogo() {
    return logo;

 * @param logo
 * The logo
public void setLogo(String logo) {
    this.logo = logo;


我不知道问题在哪里。我使用正确的方法来POST JSON String吗?我在这里得到Null响应.Plz帮助我解决问题。

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