希望你能在这里给我一些好的建议:我有一个游戏,我需要玩家输入名称,但它只允许它是一个单词。如果用户输入的单词超过1个,则程序会发出javamismatchexception错误,并且该程序将关闭。 有没有办法允许用户输入多个单词作为他们的名字?提前致谢!我为底部的一堆话语道歉......我对这个网站很新,并且说我已经用4个空格缩进代码,但它并没有正确显示。
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
String name;
int playerClass=0;
int wincount=0;
int userhealth=100+(wincount)*3;
int comphealth=100;
int userChoice;
int regularAttackD;
int powerAttackD;
int quickAttackD;
int playerchoice;
int advance=1;
Random b = new Random ();
Random d = new Random ();
Random f = new Random ();
quickAttackD=f.nextInt (4)+3;
System.out.println ("Welcome to the zombie apocalypse...\nIn this text-based game you will need to make decisions based on prompts you see.\nYour decisions will determine your own fate.");
System.out.println ("What would you like to be called?");
name = in.next();
System.out.println (name + ", in this game you may need to fight enemies in a turn-based combat style.");
System.out.println ("You will now enter a number for the class you want.\n(1)Scout: Increased hit chance for all attacks.\n(2)Brute: Increased damage for all attacks\n(3)Medic:Increased health during combat.");
playerClass = in.nextInt();
if (playerClass == 1 || playerClass == 2 || playerClass == 3)
} else {
System.out.println ("The number you entered is not a class! Try again and enter 1,2, or 3.");
} while (advance==1);