我试图追踪一个奇怪的错误,其中嵌入式Google地图在页面的HTML版本中看起来很好,但是当我们使用wkhtmltopdf PDF格式化地图时,地图仍在其框内,也继续进入相邻的页面。换句话说,如果地图位于页面底部,则下一页面会有更多地图(地图的下一部分中的地图会更大),重叠顶部的内容。如果地图位于页面顶部,则前一页面会获得额外的地图内容。 The same page in three formats. Please forgive the rough MS Paint anonymization.
仅仅是https://jsfiddle.net/cosmos42/wj81zc13/1/的相关部分的小提琴 - 希望它具有所有必要的信息。我把我们的网址和其他识别信息从小提琴中取出来,因此Google地图实际上无法正常工作......
var myCenter = new google.maps.LatLng(38.8977, -77.0366);
function initialize() {
var mapProp = {
center: new google.maps.LatLng(38.8977, -77.0366),
zoom: 19,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID,
panControl: false,
zoomControl: false,
mapTypeControl: false,
scaleControl: false,
streetViewControl: false,
overviewMapControl: false,
rotateControl: false
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("googleMap"), mapProp);
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: myCenter,
var ParcelLayer = new google.maps.ImageMapType({
getTileUrl: function(coord, zoom) {
var proj = map.getProjection();
var zfactor = Math.pow(2, zoom);
// get Long Lat coordinates
var top = proj.fromPointToLatLng(new google.maps.Point(coord.x * 256 / zfactor, coord.y * 256 / zfactor));
var bot = proj.fromPointToLatLng(new google.maps.Point((coord.x + 1) * 256 / zfactor, (coord.y + 1) * 256 / zfactor));
//corrections for the slight shift of the SLP (mapserver)
var deltaX = 0.00;
var deltaY = 0.00;
//create the Bounding box string
var bbox = (top.lng() + deltaX) + "," +
(bot.lat() + deltaY) + "," +
(bot.lng() + deltaX) + "," +
(top.lat() + deltaY);
//base WMS URL
var url = "http://gis.someotherwebsitethatisntours.net:9080/geoserver/ttb/wms?";
url += "&REQUEST=GetMap"; //WMS operation
url += "&SERVICE=WMS"; //WMS service
url += "&VERSION=1.1.0"; //WMS version
//url += "&LAYERS=" + "fm:parcel_socal"; //WMS layers
url += "&LAYERS=" + "ttb:parcels_ca"; //WMS layers
url += "&FORMAT=image/png"; //WMS format
url += "&BGCOLOR=0xFFFFFF";
url += "&SRS=EPSG:4326"; //set WGS84
url += "&BBOX=" + bbox; // set bounding box
url += "&WIDTH=256"; //tile size in google
url += "&HEIGHT=256";
return url; // return URL for the tile
tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256),
isPng: true,
var FloodLayer = new google.maps.ImageMapType({
getTileUrl: function(coord, zoom) {
var proj = map.getProjection();
var zfactor = Math.pow(2, zoom);
// get Long Lat coordinates
var top = proj.fromPointToLatLng(new google.maps.Point(coord.x * 256 / zfactor, coord.y * 256 / zfactor));
var bot = proj.fromPointToLatLng(new google.maps.Point((coord.x + 1) * 256 / zfactor, (coord.y + 1) * 256 / zfactor));
//corrections for the slight shift of the SLP (mapserver)
var deltaX = 0.00;
var deltaY = 0.00;
//create the Bounding box string
var bbox = (top.lng() + deltaX) + "," +
(bot.lat() + deltaY) + "," +
(bot.lng() + deltaX) + "," +
(top.lat() + deltaY);
//base WMS URL
var url = "http://gis.someotherwebsitethatisntours.net:9080/geoserver/ttb/wms?";
url += "&REQUEST=GetMap"; //WMS operation
url += "&SERVICE=WMS"; //WMS service
url += "&VERSION=1.1.0"; //WMS version
//url += "&LAYERS=" + "fm:parcel_socal"; //WMS layers
url += "&LAYERS=" + "ttb:flood_poly"; //WMS layers
url += "&FORMAT=image/png"; //WMS format
url += "&BGCOLOR=0x99FF00";
url += "&SRS=EPSG:4326"; //set WGS84
url += "&BBOX=" + bbox; // set bounding box
url += "&WIDTH=256"; //tile size in google
url += "&HEIGHT=256";
return url; // return URL for the tile
tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256),
isPng: true,
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, \'load\', initialize);

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<div class="a_row">
<div class="a_title" style="width: 100%;">
<p>Prior Transfer</p>
<div class="a_row">
<div class="a_cell title">Recording Date:</div>
<div class="a_cell data">2/11/2014</div>
<div class="a_cell title">Doc #:</div>
<div class="a_cell data">4242-424242</div>
<div class="bottom_border"></div>
<div class="a_row">
<div class="a_cell title">Transfer Amount:</div>
<div class="a_cell data">$ 42,000</div>
<div class="a_cell title">Doc Type:</div>
<div class="a_cell data">-</div>
<div class="bottom_border"></div>
<div class="a_row">
<div class="a_cell title">Type of Sale:</div>
<div class="a_cell data">Standard</div>
<div class="a_cell title">Title Co:</div>
<div class="a_cell data">Some Title Company</div>
<div class="bottom_border"></div>
<div class="a_row">
<div class="a_cell">
<div class="a_table map_table inner_table dont_split">
<div class="a_row">
<div class="a_title" style="width: 100%; height: 20px;">
<p>Aerial Map</p>
<div class="a_row">
<div class="a_cell">
<div id="googleMap" style="width:636px;height:380px;"></div>
<div class="a_row">
<div class="a_cell">
<div class="a_table main_table2 inner_table dont_split prior_transfer">
<div class="a_row">
<div class="a_title" style="width: 100%;">
<p>Prior Transfer</p>
<div class="a_row">
<div class="a_cell title">Recording Date:</div>
<div class="a_cell data">2/11/2014</div>
<div class="a_cell title">Doc #:</div>
<div class="a_cell data">4242-424242</div>
<div class="bottom_border"></div>
<div class="a_row">
<div class="a_cell title">Transfer Amount:</div>
<div class="a_cell data">$ 42,000</div>
<div class="a_cell title">Doc Type:</div>
<div class="a_cell data">-</div>
<div class="bottom_border"></div>
<div class="a_row">
<div class="a_cell title">Type of Sale:</div>
<div class="a_cell data">Standard</div>
<div class="a_cell title">Title Co:</div>
<div class="a_cell data">Some Title Company</div>
<div class="bottom_border"></div>
答案 0 :(得分:0)
#googleMap {
答案 1 :(得分:0)
(在解决方案的来源中:This one - 但其他几个人也有同样的建议)。