应用程序在WPF richtextbox中更改字体大小后缓慢?

时间:2016-01-19 06:51:57

标签: c# wpf performance fonts richtextbox

我正在使用WP richtextbox.i完成导航从当前插入位置到nextline,previousline等的每一行。它工作正常。我需要在richtextbox中动态更改fontsize。


 myrichtextbox.SetValue(TextElement.FontSizeProperty, fontSizedouble +10);

  myrichtextbox.FontSize = (txtAppendValue.FontSize + 10);

它工作。但是在执行这个方法之后,其他功能执行时间很长。在NavigateNextLine()需要15ms到20ms之前。执行后需要40到50 ms.i不断调用fontSize 4,5然后NavigateNextLine()需要100ms t0 120 ms。

public void NavigateNextLine()
  Int32 lineNumber;
                txtAppendValue.CaretPosition.GetLineStartPosition(-int.MaxValue, out lineNumber);
                Int32 iLineIndex = System.Math.Abs(lineNumber);
                Int32 iCurrentStart = 0;
                Int32 iCurWordLength = 0;

                for (Int32 icnt = 0; icnt <= iLineIndex; icnt++)
                    m_strCurLineText = GetLineText(txtAppendValue.CaretPosition.GetLineStartPosition(lineNumber), 0, null);
                    iCurrentStart = iCurrentStart + m_strCurLineText.Length;
                    lineNumber += 1;
  String[] strArr = m_strCurLineText.Split(' ');
                if (strArr.Length > 0)
                    iCurWordLength = strArr[0].Length; // Get the first word length of current line
                    if (iCurWordLength == 0)
                        iCurWordLength = strArr[1].Length;
                        iCurrentStart = iCurrentStart + 1;
                    iCurWordLength = m_strCurLineText.Length; //to get single word line length

                NewStart = iCurrentStart;

 String GetLineText(TextPointer TextPointer, int LineRltv = 0, string Default = null)
            TextPointer tp1 = TextPointer.GetLineStartPosition(LineRltv);
            if (tp1 == null)
                return Default;
                tpNextLine2 = tp1.GetLineStartPosition(1);

                TextRange tr = null;
                if (tpNextLine2 == null)
                    tpNextLine2 = txtAppendValue.Document.ContentEnd;
                tr = new TextRange(tp1, tpNextLine2);
                return tr.Text;


问候 阿琼

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


txtAppendValue.ApplyPropertyValue(TextElement.FontSizeProperty, (double)10);


txtAppendValue.ApplyPropertyValue(TextElement.FontSizeProperty, 10.0)