
时间:2016-01-16 07:16:08

标签: android

这是我的dbhelper代码。我想问一下这个数据库中是否可以支持多种语言?是否需要使用google translate api,还是应该为其他语言创建另一个数据库?

private DatabaseHelper dbHelper;
private SQLiteDatabase db;

private static final String K_ID = "ID";
private static final String K_NAME = "NAME";
private static final String K_BEN = "BENEFIT";
private static final String TABLE = "PLANT";

private static class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
    DatabaseHelper(Context context) {
        super(context, "DBPLANT", null, 1);

    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {

        String sql = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE + " (" + K_ID
                + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ," + K_NAME + " TEXT , " + K_BEN
                + " TEXT);";
        sql = "INSERT INTO "
                + TABLE
                + " ("
                + K_NAME
                + ","
                + K_BEN
                + ") VALUES('ALOE (Aloe Vera)','This plant has hundreds of uses, the most popular being its ability to alleviate the pain of burns and to speed their healing. Immediately immerse the burn in cold water or apply ice until the heat subsides, then generously apply the aloeAloe may also be applied to any cut or skin abrasion, and onto skin eruptions, remarkably speeding healing. To relieve the pain and itching of hemorrhoids, carve out a suppository sized chunk of the inner leaf gel and insert into the rectum.');";
        sql = "INSERT INTO "
                + TABLE
                + " ("
                + K_NAME
                + ","
                + K_BEN
                + ") VALUES('GARLIC (Allium sativum)','Best known for its antibiotic effect, garlic bulbs or the milder garlic greens can be eaten raw at the onset of a cold or flu. Garlic oil is effectively used for ear infections. It is easily made by finely chopping enough fresh organic garlic bulbs to fill a jelly jar, and covering them with organic olive oil.');";
        sql = "INSERT INTO "
                + TABLE
                + " ("
                + K_NAME
                + ","
                + K_BEN
                + ") VALUES('GINGER (Zinziber officiale)','Ginger has a carminative effect, which means that it will help relieve digestive problems which result in gas formation. It is also a diaphoretic, used both as a tea and added to a soaking bath to stimulate sweating and reduce fevers.');";
        sql = "INSERT INTO "
                + TABLE
                + " ("
                + K_NAME
                + ","
                + K_BEN
                + ") VALUES('COCONUT','White meat and water from the cavity are used for heart conditions, dysentery, fever, pain, and digestive and bladder problems, to quench thirst and as an aphrodisiac. To treat diarrhea, meat from young fruits is mixed with other ingredients and rubbed onto the stomach. Oil prepared from boiling coconut milk is thought of as antiseptic and soothing and so is smoothed onto the skin to treat burns, ringworm and itching.');";
        sql = "INSERT INTO "
                + TABLE
                + " ("
                + K_NAME
                + ","
                + K_BEN
                + ") VALUES('Carallia Brachiata','The bark was extracted with petroleum ether, ethyl acetate and methanol successively. All the extracts were screened for wound healing activity by excision and incision models in Wistar rats. The ethyl acetate and methanol extracts were found to possess significant wound healing activity. The extracts revealed the presence of sterols or triterpenoids, flavonoids, phenols, tannins, carbohydrates, fixed oils and fats.');";
        sql = "INSERT INTO "
                + TABLE
                + " ("
                + K_NAME
                + ","
                + K_BEN
                + ") VALUES('Ficus Hispida','The fruits are bitter, refrigerant, astringent, acrid, anti-dysenteric, anti-inflammatory, depurative, vulnerary, haemostatic and galactagogue. They are useful in ulcere, leucoderma, psoriasis, anaemia, haemorrhoids, jaundice, epistaxis, stomatorrhagia, inflammations, intermittent fever and vitiated conditions of pitta.');";
        sql = "INSERT INTO "
                + TABLE
                + " ("
                + K_NAME
                + ","
                + K_BEN
                + ") VALUES('Leea Indica','A decoction of the root is given in colic, is cooling and relieves thirst. In Goa, the root is much used in diarrheal and chronic dysentery. The roasted leaves are applied to the head in vertigo. The juice of the young leaves is a digestive. Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, diarrhea, dysentery, colic, ulcers, skin diseases, and vertigo.');";
        sql = "INSERT INTO "
                + TABLE
                + " ("
                + K_NAME
                + ","
                + K_BEN
                + ") VALUES('Mesua Ferrea','Flowers are acrid, anodyne, digestive, constipating, and stomachic. They are used in treating asthma, leprosy, cough, fever, vomiting and impotency. The seed oil pacifies vata, and also good for skin diseases and rheumatism');";
        sql = "INSERT INTO "
                + TABLE
                + " ("
                + K_NAME
                + ","
                + K_BEN
                + ") VALUES('Trema Orientalis','It has been used for medicinal purposes including the treatment of respiratory, inflammatory, and helminthic diseases. Almost every part of the plant is used as medicine in various parts of Africa.');";
        sql = "INSERT INTO "
                + TABLE
                + " ("
                + K_NAME
                + ","
                + K_BEN
                + ") VALUES('Murraya Paniculata','The decoction of the leaves can be used as a gargle to treat toothache. The leaves are frequently used to treat pain due to scalding. This decoction can be given orally to treat body aches, as a tonic, and for expelling tape worm');";

    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
        db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE);

 * Upgrade database
public void Reset() {
    dbHelper.onUpgrade(this.db, 1, 1);

 * Constructor
 * @param ctx
 *            the activity context
public DBHelper(Context ctx) {
    dbHelper = new DatabaseHelper(ctx);

 * Open database connection
 * @return the database connection
 * @throws SQLException
public DBHelper open() throws SQLException {
    db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase();
    return this;

 * Close database connection
public void close() {

public boolean createEntry(String name, String benefit) {
    ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
    cv.put(K_NAME, name);
    cv.put(K_BEN, benefit);
    return db.insert(TABLE, null, cv) != -1;

public boolean updateEntry(String name, String benefit, String id) {
    ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
    cv.put(K_NAME, name);
    cv.put(K_BEN, benefit);
    return db.update(TABLE, cv, K_ID + " = ?", new String[] { id }) > 0;

public PlantList getList() {
    PlantList plants = new PlantList();
    Cursor cur = db.rawQuery("SELECT " + K_ID + " ," + K_NAME + " FROM "
            + TABLE, null);

    if (cur.moveToFirst()) {
        do {
        } while (cur.moveToNext());
    return plants;

public PlantList getQuery(String query) { //search data
    PlantList plants = new PlantList();
    Cursor cur = db.rawQuery("SELECT " + K_ID + " ," + K_NAME + " FROM "
            + TABLE + " WHERE " + K_NAME + " LIKE '%" + query + "%'", null);

    if (cur.moveToFirst()) {
        do {
        } while (cur.moveToNext());
    return plants;

public String[] getDetail(String id) {
    String data[] = new String[2];
    Cursor cur = db.query(TABLE, new String[] { K_NAME, K_BEN }, K_ID + "="
            + id, null, null, null, null);

    if (cur.moveToFirst()) {
        data[0] = cur.getString(cur.getColumnIndex(K_NAME));
        data[1] = cur.getString(cur.getColumnIndex(K_BEN));
    return data;

public String getName(String id) {
    String name = null;
    Cursor cur = db.query(TABLE, new String[] { K_NAME }, K_ID + "=" + id,
            null, null, null, null);

    if (cur.moveToFirst()) {
        name = cur.getString(cur.getColumnIndex(K_NAME));
    return name;

public boolean deleteEntry(String id) {
    return db.delete(TABLE, K_ID + " = ?", new String[] { id }) > 0;


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


内部sqlite以UTF-8或UTF-16(每个数据库选项)编码所有字符串,但因为它总是根据需要转换它们(一个或另一个用于比较和/或从java.lang转换)。 API中的字符串),您甚至不需要关心。



答案 1 :(得分:1)
