例如,世界排名是“20,20,50'顶点,我把它移到'20,20,30'在平视显示器中应该显示' 0 0 20'。我很远,但这是我迄今为止所做的。
import maya.cmds as cmds
selection = cmds.ls(sl=True)
for obj in selection:
vertexWert = cmds.pointPosition( obj , w=True)
print vertexWert
答案 0 :(得分:2)
# to save the mesh positions. This does mean you can only use this code on one object at a time....
global _old_positions
_old_positions = None
# this is the callback function that gets called when the mesh is edited
def update_mesh_positions():
selected = cmds.ls(sl=True, o=True)
if selected:
selected_verts = selected[0] + ".vtx[*]"
global _old_positions
# make sure we have something to work with....
if not _old_positions:
_old_positions = cmds.xform(selected_verts, q=True, t=True, ws=True)
# gets all of the vert positions
new_positions = cmds.xform(selected_verts, q=True, t=True, ws=True)
# unpack the flat list of [x,y,z,x,y,z...] into 3 lists of [x,x], [y,y], etc...
x1 = _old_positions[::3]
y1 = _old_positions[1::3]
z1 = _old_positions[2::3]
x2 = new_positions[::3]
y2 = new_positions[1::3]
z2 = new_positions[2::3]
old_verts = zip(x1, y1, z1)
new_verts = zip(x2, y2, z2)
# compare the old positions and new positions side by side
# using enumerate() to keep track of the indices
for idx, verts in enumerate(zip (old_verts, new_verts)):
old, new = verts
if old != new:
# you'd replace this with the HUD printing code
print idx, ":", new[0] - old[0], new[1] - old[1], new[2] - old[2]
# store the new positions for next time
_old_positions = new_positions
#activate the script job and prime it
cmds.scriptJob(ac= ('pCubeShape1.outMesh', update_mesh_positions))
# force an update so the first move is caught