
时间:2016-01-11 23:01:36

标签: c# multithreading asynchronous


var context = SynchronizationContext.Current;
var scheduler = TaskScheduler.Current;



// If the user wants the continuation to run on the current "context" if there is one...
if (continueOnCapturedContext)
    // First try getting the current synchronization context.
    // If the current context is really just the base SynchronizationContext type, 
    // which is intended to be equivalent to not having a current SynchronizationContext at all, 
    // then ignore it.  This helps with performance by avoiding unnecessary posts and queueing
    // of work items, but more so it ensures that if code happens to publish the default context 
    // as current, it won't prevent usage of a current task scheduler if there is one.
    var syncCtx = SynchronizationContext.CurrentNoFlow;
    if (syncCtx != null && syncCtx.GetType() != typeof(SynchronizationContext))
        tc = new SynchronizationContextAwaitTaskContinuation(syncCtx, continuationAction, flowExecutionContext, ref stackMark);
        // If there was no SynchronizationContext, then try for the current scheduler.
        // We only care about it if it's not the default.
        var scheduler = TaskScheduler.InternalCurrent;
        if (scheduler != null && scheduler != TaskScheduler.Default)
            tc = new TaskSchedulerAwaitTaskContinuation(scheduler, continuationAction, flowExecutionContext, ref stackMark);


1 个答案:

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事实证明问题是尝试使用包含来自本机Win32应用程序的WPF表单的类库的结果。普通的WinForms或WPF应用程序将初始化 @Test public void testHomeScreenRoot() { WebDriver driver = new HtmlUnitDriver(); driver.get(""); WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.name("username")); element.sendKeys("root"); element = driver.findElement(By.name("password")); element.sendKeys("rootpasswd"); element.submit(); //Waiting here (new WebDriverWait(driver, 10)).until((WebDriver d) -> d.getTitle().equals("Favorites: root")); //Error here element = driver.findElement(By.name("newusername")); String tagName = element.getTagName(); assertEquals("input", tagName); element = driver.findElement(By.name("newpassword")); tagName = element.getTagName(); assertEquals("input", tagName); element = driver.findElement(By.name("Add user")); tagName = element.getTagName(); assertEquals("input", tagName); String type = element.getAttribute("type"); assertEquals("submit", type); } 的构造函数中的SynchronizationContext。这通常发生在"停车"形式。

由于我无法解释的原因,无论创建了多少控件,Control都从未初始化。在创建任何表单之前手动创建它允许SynchronizationContext ed任务在正确的线程上继续。
