
时间:2016-01-11 16:03:24

标签: c# unity-container

我有一个接口IInterface,它看起来像下面的那样 -

public interface IInterface             
  void SomeMethod1();      
  void SomeMethod2();  
  void SomeMethod3();   

其中一个实现类似于 -

public class Implementation : IInterface         
  private Object obj;
  public Implementation(Object obj)      
       this.obj = obj;
      // Do Something           

  public void SomeMethod1()    
        // Do Something   

  public void SomeMethod2()    
     // Do Something   

  public void SomeMethod3()    
        // Do Something   


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我首选的方法可能是创建一个用于创建IInterface s

public interface IInterface
  void SomeMethod1(); 

public interface IInterfaceFactory
    IInterface CreateInterface();

public class StandardInterfaceFactory : IInterfaceFactory
    // Define your static lock object here. Other customers 
    // can define their own IInterfaceFactory to use a 
    // different lock object.
    private static readonly object lockObject = new object();

    public IInterface CreateInterface()
        return new StandardInterface(lockObject);

public class StandardInterface : IInterface
    private readonly object lockObject;

    public StandardInterface(object lockObject)
        this.lockObject = lockObject;

    public void SomeMethod1()
        lock (this.lockObject)
            Console.WriteLine("I've locked on " + lockObject);


void Main()
    IUnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();

    // This mapping can be done trivially in XML configuration.
    // Left as an exercise for the reader :)
    container.RegisterType<IInterfaceFactory, StandardInterfaceFactory>();

    IInterfaceFactory factory = container.Resolve<IInterfaceFactory>();

    IInterface myInterface = factory.CreateInterface();
