
时间:2016-01-11 14:32:59

标签: powershell logfile



Write-Host Report generated at (Get-date)

write-host("Lower Environments Status Check");

# Preprocessing Items
$msg = ""
$array = get-content C:\LowerEnvChecklist\appurls.txt
$log = "C:\LowerEnvChecklist\lowerenvironmentslog.txt"
$errorTexts = "error has occurred","Oops","Unable to display widget data","unexpected error occurred","temporarily unavailable","there was a problem"
$regex = ($errorTexts | ForEach-Object{[regex]::Escape($_)}) -join "|"

write-host("Checking appurls.txt...One moment please.");

("`n---------------------------------------------------------------------------") | out-file $log -Append

Get-Date | Out-File $log -Append

("`n***Checking Links***") | out-file $log -Append
("`n") | out-file $log -Append

# Loop through each element of the array.
ForEach($target in $array){

    # Erase results for the next pass in case of error. 
    $result, $response, $stream, $page = $null

    # Navigate to site urls
    $result = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($target)
    $response = $result.GetResponse()
    $stream = [System.IO.StreamReader]$response.GetResponseStream()
    $page = $stream.ReadToEnd()

    # To ensure login/authentication pages that give a 403 response pages still show as online
    If($response.StatusCode -eq 403){
                $msg = " $target -----> is ONLINE!"}

    # Determine if the status code 200 pages are truly up based on the information above.             
    If($response.StatusCode -eq 200){

    # While the page might have rendered need to determine there are no errors present.
    If($page -notmatch $regex){
            $msg = " $target -----> is ONLINE!"
        } else {
            $msg = " $target -----> may be DOWN, please check!"
    } else {
        $msg = " $target -----> may be DOWN, please check!"

    # Log Results.
    $msg | Out-File $log -Append -width 120
    write-host $msg

    # Close the response.

# Write completion to logfile.
("`n") | out-file $log -Append
("`n***Lower Environments Checklist Completed***") | out-file $log -Append

# Write completion to host.
write-host("Lower Environments Checklist Completed");

# Open logfile once script is complete.
Invoke-Item C:\LowerEnvChecklist\lowerenvironmentslog.txt

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


答案 1 :(得分:0)


write-host("Lower Environments Status Check");

# Preprocessing Items
$array = Get-Content C:\LowerEnvChecklist\appurls.txt
$log = "C:\LowerEnvChecklist\lowerenvironmentslog.csv"
$errorTexts = "error has occurred","Oops","Unable to display widget data","unexpected error occurred","temporarily unavailable","there was a problem"
$regex = ($errorTexts | ForEach-Object{[regex]::Escape($_)}) -join "|"

# Loop through each element of the array. Use the pipeline to make output easier
$array | ForEach-Object{
    # Keep the variable $target so it is not lost in scopes. Build the object to be completed as we go.
    $target = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
        URL = $_
        Status = ""
        Detail = "N/A"
        Timestamp = Get-Date

    # Erase results for the next pass in case of error. 
    $result, $response, $stream, $page = $null

    # Navigate to site urls. If we cant access the site set a flag to mark the site as down.
    $result = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($target.URL)
    $response = try{$result.GetResponse()}catch{$null}

            $target.Status = "OK"
            $target.Detail = "403"
            # Get page content to confirm up status
            $stream = [System.IO.StreamReader]$response.GetResponseStream()
            $page = $stream.ReadToEnd()

            # While the page might have rendered need to determine there are no errors present.
            If($page -notmatch $regex){
                $target.Status = "OK"
            } else {
                $target.Status = "DOWN"
                $target.Detail = "Pattern"
            $target.Status = "DOWN"

    # Send the object down the pipeline

    # Close the response. The object might not exist so check before we call the methods. 
} | Export-CSV -Path $log -NoTypeInformation

# Write completion to host.
write-host("Lower Environments Checklist Completed");

# Open logfile once script is complete.
Invoke-Item $log



URL                      Status Detail  Timestamp            
---                      ------ ------  ---------            
https://7fweb            DOWN   N/A     1/11/2016 12:18:16 PM
http://www.google.ca     OK     N/A     1/11/2016 12:18:16 PM
http://www.microsoft.com DOWN   Pattern 1/11/2016 12:18:16 PM

我添加了" windows"到$errorTexts以触发microsoft.com的模式匹配