
时间:2016-01-11 12:20:18

标签: javascript less


var Color = function (rgb, a, originalForm) {
    // The end goal here, is to parse the arguments
    // into an integer triplet, such as `128, 255, 0`
    // This facilitates operations and conversions.
    if (Array.isArray(rgb)) {
        this.rgb = rgb;
    } else if (rgb.length == 6) {
        this.rgb = rgb.match(/.{2}/g).map(function (c) {
            return parseInt(c, 16);
    } else {
        this.rgb = rgb.split('').map(function (c) {
            return parseInt(c + c, 16);
    this.alpha = typeof a === 'number' ? a : 1;
    if (typeof originalForm !== 'undefined') {
        this.value = originalForm;

Color.prototype.toHSL = function () {
    var r = this.rgb[0] / 255,
        g = this.rgb[1] / 255,
        b = this.rgb[2] / 255,
        a = this.alpha;

    var max = Math.max(r, g, b), min = Math.min(r, g, b);
    var h, s, l = (max + min) / 2, d = max - min;

    if (max === min) {
        h = s = 0;
    } else {
        s = l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min);

        switch (max) {
            case r: h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0); break;
            case g: h = (b - r) / d + 2;               break;
            case b: h = (r - g) / d + 4;               break;
        h /= 6;
    return { h: h * 360, s: s, l: l, a: a };


function lighten(color, amount, method){
    var hsl = color.toHSL();

        if (typeof method !== "undefined" && method.value === "relative") {
            hsl.l +=  hsl.l * amount.value / 100;
        else {
            hsl.l += amount.value / 100;
        hsl.l = clamp(hsl.l);
        return hsla(hsl);



错误:color.toHSL不是函数。 (在&#39; color.toHSL()&#39;中,   &#39; color.toHSL&#39;未定义)


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