Student Name English Evs Mathematics
Term 1 Term 1 Term 1
Score (150) Score (150) Score (150)
Abhinav.S 107.75 117.25 95.5
Abhishek.C 112.5 88.75 91
Aditya 117 116.5 98
我需要将此转换为百分比而不会干扰数据集,公式为(获得的得分/总得分)* 100。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
all_content = readLines("filein.txt")
temp_content <- all_content[4:6]
dat = read.table(textConnection(temp_content), header = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE, sep="")
> dat
V1 V2 V3 V4
1 Abhinav.S 107.75 117.25 95.5
2 Abhishek.C 112.50 88.75 91.0
3 Aditya 117.00 116.50 98.0
dat[1:3, 2:4] <- dat[1:3, 2:4] * (2/3) # convert to percentage
> dat
V1 V2 V3 V4
1 Abhinav.S 71.83333 78.16667 63.66667
2 Abhishek.C 75.00000 59.16667 60.66667
3 Aditya 78.00000 77.66667 65.33333
# write out the first three lines to an output file
output <- file("fileout.txt")
writeLines(c(all_content[1], all_content[2], all_content[3]), output)
# write out the updated data frame as the last three lines
write.table(dat, file="fileout.txt", append=TRUE, col.names=FALSE,
row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
中的正则表达式或读取文件的方式。< / p>
# read fixed width formatted file
test <- read.fwf("test.csv", widths=c(13, 25-13, 39-25, 52-39))
# use first 3 rows as header, convert to character, extract numbers
header <- test[3, 2:4]
header <- lapply(header, as.character)
scores <- as.numeric(gsub("Score \\((.*)\\)", "\\1", header))
# use rest of dataset as data
data <- test[4:nrow(test), ]
data <- as.data.frame(lapply(data, as.character), stringsAsFactors = F)
# divide by max score (you'll might want to do this in a loop/lapply)
data$V2percent <- 100*as.numeric(data$V2)/scores[1]
data$V3percent <- 100*as.numeric(data$V3)/scores[2]
data$V4percent <- 100*as.numeric(data$V4)/scores[3]