Census API未提供所选年终的数据

时间:2015-12-28 19:51:04

标签: r


# Set the geo marker for all TN counties
geo <- geo.make(state = "TN", county = "*")
# Fetch Total Population for all TN counties
acs.fetch(endyear = 2014, span = 5, geography = geo, table.number = "B01003")


 2010 -- 2014 ;
  Estimates w/90% confidence intervals;
  for different intervals, see confint()
Anderson County, Tennessee   75346 +/- 0 
Bedford County, Tennessee    45660 +/- 0 
Benton County, Tennessee     16345 +/- 0 

但是我也得到了这个警告,这是奇怪的,因为如果我在ACS FactFinder website查找我acs.fetch的值匹配:

Warning messages:
1: In acs.fetch(endyear = 2014, span = 5, geography = geo, table.number = "B01003") :
  As of the date of this version of the acs package
  Census API did not provides data for selected endyear
2: In acs.fetch(endyear = endyear, span = span, geography = geography[[1]],  :
  As of the date of this version of the acs package
  Census API did not provides data for selected endyear

我在这里误解了什么吗?我怎样才能看到正确的值,但是警告消息告诉我Census API没有为我的参数提供数据?谢谢。

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来自开发商,Ezra Glenn(eglenn@mit.edu):

以上内容基本上是正确的:数据获取得很好。从2014年数据可用之前的时间开始,该警告已过时。 (从技术上讲,这不是一个错误 - 只是一条警告消息,可能解释如果数据被取出时出了什么问题。在这种情况下,可以安全地忽略它。我将删除它下一个版本。)