
时间:2015-12-27 01:14:03

标签: javascript jquery html5 mustache








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                                    }, {
                                        "name":     "Diet",
                                        "link":     "diet.html"
                                    }, {
                                        "name":     "Behavior and Life",
                                        "link":     "behaviorAndLife.html"
                                    }, {
                                        "name":     "About Me",
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        Uromastyces Fact Site

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                <li><a href="diet.html" tabindex="1">Diet</a></li>
                <li><a href="behaviorAndLife.html" tabindex="1">Behavior and Life</a></li>
                <li><a href="aboutMe.html" tabindex="1">About Me</a></li>

<section class="uniqueBody">
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        <div id="indexContents"></div>

            I created this site to...

        <h4>Contact Me</h4>
            Want to send me a message? Use the form below:
        <form enctype="text/plain" method="post" action="">
            <label class="contactLabel">Subject:</label>
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<footer class="mainFooter">
    <span class="footerAuthor footerWrapper">
        Author: Brendon Williams

    <span class="footerModified footerWrapper">
        Last Modified: 15.12.26

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            I created this site to...

        <h4>Contact Me</h4>
            Want to send me a message? Use the form below:
        <form enctype="text/plain" method="post" action="">
            <label class="contactLabel">Subject:</label>
            <input class="contactInput" type="text" name="subject">

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        Last Modified: 15.12.26

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enter image description here



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  "sideBarImgSrc":              "../images/pascal-cropped-shrunk.jpg",

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  "navLinks":                   [
                                        "name":     "Home",
                                        "link":     "index.html"
                                    }, {
                                        "name":     "Enclosure",
                                        "link":     "enclosure.html"
                                    }, {
                                        "name":     "Diet",
                                        "link":     "diet.html"
                                    }, {
                                        "name":     "Behavior and Life",
                                        "link":     "behaviorAndLife.html"
                                    }, {
                                        "name":     "About Me",
                                        "link":     "aboutMe.html"

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templateLoader.js (41,14)

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templateLoader.js (42,14)

Article Template: 
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templateLoader.js (43,14)

Article Template: 
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templateLoader.js (43,14)

Rendered Article Body: 
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        <h5>Hi, I'm Brendon, and I'm a long-time reptile and Uromastyx owner.</h5>
            I created this site to act as a centralized collection of facts on Uromastyces. The conditions that Uromastyces should be housed in are quite different than most other reptiles, so it can be confusing to new owners as to what the correct conditions are, and what they can be fed.
            To the best of my ability, I will reference external sites and provide links to the original information. Note though that new information about Uromastyces may come to light after the publication of this site, so I can't guarantee that this information will forever remain in-date, and that contradictory information won't appear later; although I'll do my best to evaluate all of the sources I use.
            In the top-left of every page is my current Uromastyx, <em>Pascal</em>. She was injured in-transit on the way to my Dad's wholesale warehouse (her right eye was damaged) and was deemed unsellable, so I adopted her to ensure that she can still live a long-life. Besides her lack-of a left eye, she's so healthy, you'd never know that she's injured (except when she
            walks in circles looking for food).

        <h4>Contact Me</h4>
            Want to send me a message? Use the form below:
        <form enctype="text/plain" method="post" action="">
            <label class="contactLabel">Subject:</label>
            <input class="contactInput" type="text" name="subject">

            <label class="contactLabel">Body:</label>
            <input class="contactInput" type="text" name="body">

            <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">


<footer class="">
    <span class="">

    <span class="">
        Last Modified: 15.12.26

<script src="./js/Indexer.js"></script></section>
templateLoader.js (45,14)

Templates Loaded.
templateLoader.js (51,14)




enter image description here


我应该注意到,在本地,我使用的是Windows,但学校服务器是“Apache / 2.2.3(Red Hat)”(根据Edge的网络标签)。我将返回值从\r\n更改为\n以符合Unix标准,但它没有改变任何内容。


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看起来你没有从AJAX响应中解析JSON数据。该文档以纯文本形式阅读。 (看看你的数据变量。)
