出乎意料的是,在vagrant up
There was an error when attempting to rsync a synced folder.
Please inspect the error message below for more info.
Host path: /c/Users/David/Sandbox/citypantry/frontend/
Guest path: /home/citypantry/project/frontend
Command: rsync --verbose --archive -z --copy-links --chmod=ugo=rwX --no-perms --no-owner --no-group --rsync-path sudo rsync -e ssh -p 2222 -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPath=C:/bin/cygwin64/tmp/ssh.588 -o ControlPersist=10m -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o IdentitiesOnly=true -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i 'C:/Users/David/Sandbox/citypantry/vagrant/.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key' --exclude .vagrant/ --exclude app/cache/ --exclude app/logs/ --exclude node_modules /c/Users/David/Sandbox/citypantry/frontend/ vagrant@
Error: Warning: Permanently added '[]:2222' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
select: Interrupted system call
rsync: [sender] write error: Broken pipe (32)
rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(820) [sender=3.1.1]
这是Windows 10在ConEmu(x64)上运行带有rsync 3.1.1的cygwin(x64)。我所知道的任何内容都没有在系统中发生变化,并且同步已经工作了数周没有任何问题。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
看起来Vagrant 1.8.0存在问题:https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant/issues/6702
"-o ControlMaster=auto " +
"-o ControlPath=#{controlpath} " +
"-o ControlPersist=10m " +