WebView本机崩溃:libwebviewchromium.so“不允许操作” - ILL_ILLOPC

时间:2015-12-23 02:53:26

标签: android crash android-webview samsung-mobile


Google Developer Console中的崩溃标题:


原住民崩溃   /data/app/com.google.android.webview-1/lib/arm/libwebviewchromium.so   在   /data/app/com.google.android.webview-1/lib/arm/libwebviewchromium.so,   26743失败:不允许操作


Build fingerprint: 
Revision: '12' ABI: 'arm' pid: 26743, tid: 29439, name:
DedicatedWorker  >>> package-removed <<< signal
4 (SIGILL), code 1 (ILL_ILLOPC), fault addr 0xa3f94e26
    r0 00000053  r1 64499bb1  r2 64499bb1  r3 00000001
    r4 66a99000  r5 a4b2fb94  r6 a4b53e60  r7 5e9fe8dc
    r8 66a99010  r9 5e9fef24  sl 5e9ff128  fp a4b53e60
    ip b6d4d929  sp 5e9fe818  lr a3cfe9d9  pc a3f94e26  cpsr 68030030

    #00 pc 00db3e26  /data/app/com.google.android.webview-1/lib/arm/libwebviewchromium.so
ptrace attach to 26743 failed: Operation not permitted
ptrace attach to 26745 failed: Operation not permitted
ptrace attach to 26759 failed: Operation not permitted
ptrace attach to 26760 failed: Operation not permitted
"   "   "   "   "   "   "   "   "   "   "   "   "   "
<repeats all the way down>

所有这些崩溃报告都有信号4(SIGILL),代码1(ILL_ILLOPC),以及回溯中相同的第一行:“#00 pc 00db3e26 /data/app/com.google.android.webview-1/lib /arm/libwebviewchromium.so”。

我在Android 5.0和5.1上看到它,涉及各种三星设备(Galaxy S5,Galaxy S6,Galaxy S4 Active,Galaxy Note4等)。全部具有相同的00db3e26地址。


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