$.each(data.events, function(i, evt) {
//getting all nested records
evt.locations.forEach(function(locations, i, array) {
//location data
var city = evt.locations[i].city;
var state = evt.locations[i].state;
var timeZone = evt.locations[i].timezone;
var contactPhone = evt.locations[i].contactPhone;
var contactEmail = evt.locations[i].contactEmail;
var contactName = evt.locations[i].contactName;
var address1 = evt.locations[i].address1;
var address2 = evt.locations[i].address2;
var postalCode = evt.locations[i].postalCode;
var host = evt.locations[i].tags.host;
var specialGuest = evt.locations[i].tags.specialGuest;
var cohost = evt.locations[i].tags.cohost;
var tierTitle = evt.locations[i].tiers[i].title;
var tierDecription = evt.locations[i].tiers[i].decription;
var tierPrice = evt.locations[i].tiers[i].price;
var tierRaiser = evt.locations[i].tiers[i].raiser;
var tierMax = evt.locations[i].tiers[i].maxNum;
var tierQuantity = evt.locations[i].tiers[i].quantity;
var shiftStart = evt.locations[i].shifts[i].startDate;
var shiftEnd = evt.locations[i].shifts[i].endDate;
//Creating variables for schema found within locations
//if equal to null/nan/undefined/""
var main_info = '<h1>' + evt.name + '</h1>';
main_info += '<p>' + evt.templateInfo.title + '</p>';
main_info += '<p>' + evt.description + '</p>';
main_info += '<p> Date: ' + dateString + " " + timeOfEvent + '</p>';
main_info += '<button class="eventsButton">View Event Details</button>';
// only counts first record
// main_info += '<p class="mainInfo">' + evt.locations[i].city + ','
+ evt.locations[i].state +'</p>';
var secondary_info = '<h1 class="">' + 'hello' + '</h1>';
secondary_info += '<p class="">' + evt.description + '</p>';
secondary_info += '<p class="">' + evt.createdDate + '</p>';
secondary_info += '<p class="">' + evt.createdDate + '</p>';
secondary_info += '<p class="">' + evt.guestsCanInviteOthers + '</p>';
答案 0 :(得分:2)
$(document).ready(function() {
// Getting all the data from AWS link
url: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/interview-api-samples/events-results.json',
cache: false,
dataType: 'json',
type: 'GET',
data: ({
'events': []
success: printEvents,
error: function(e, xhr) {
function printEvents(events) {
$.each(events.events, function(i, event) {
//console.log(i, event);
var eventStart = event.startDate;
var myDate = new Date(eventStart);
var dateString = myDate.getUTCMonth() + "/" + ("0" + (myDate.getUTCDate() + 1)).slice(-2) + "/" + ("0" + myDate.getUTCFullYear()).slice(-2);
// Converting time from military to standaerd and checking if it is am/pm
var hours = myDate.getUTCHours();
var minutes = myDate.getUTCMinutes();
var timeOfEvent = "" + ((hours > 12) ? hours - 12 : hours);
timeOfEvent += (minutes < 10) ? ":0" + minutes : ":" + minutes;
timeOfEvent += (hours >= 12) ? " P.M." : " A.M.";
var main_info = '<h1>' + event.name + '</h1>';
main_info += '<p>' + /*event.templateInfo.title*/ "" + '</p>'; //<--- empty
main_info += '<p>' + event.description + '</p>';
main_info += '<p> Date: ' + dateString + " " + timeOfEvent + '</p>';
main_info += '<button class="eventsButton">View Event Details</button>';
$.each(event.locations, function(i, location) {
// here take what you need es: location.city, location.contactGivenName ....
$.each(Object.keys(location), function(i, loc) {
main_info += '<p class="mainInfo">' + loc + ' , ' + location[loc] + '</p>';
$.each(location.tiers, function(i, tier) {
// here take what you need es: tier.id, tier.quantity ....
$.each(Object.keys(tier), function(i, t) {
main_info += '<p class="mainInfo">' + t + ' , ' + tier[t] + '</p>';
//same here for others nested array elements
var secondary_info = '<h1 class="">' + 'hello' + '</h1>';
secondary_info += '<p class="">' + event.description + '</p>';
secondary_info += '<p class="">' + event.createdDate + '</p>';
secondary_info += '<p class="">' + event.createdDate + '</p>';
secondary_info += '<p class="">' + event.guestsCanInviteOthers + '</p>';
$("div.content").append("<div class=event><div class=main_info>" + main_info + "<div class=secondary_info>" + secondary_info + "<input class=attending type=checkbox>" + "I will attend this event" + "</>" + "</div></div></div>");
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class=content></div>
答案 1 :(得分:0)
CREATE TABLE stacktest
(col1 VARCHAR(8),
col2 VARCHAR(8),
col3 VARCHAR(8))
INSERT INTO stacktest VALUES ('A','B','C')
INSERT INTO stacktest VALUES ('A','B','C')
INSERT INTO stacktest VALUES ('A','B','C')
INSERT INTO stacktest VALUES ('A','B','C')
INSERT INTO stacktest VALUES ('A','B','C')
INSERT INTO stacktest VALUES ('A','B','C')
INSERT INTO stacktest VALUES ('C','A','B')
INSERT INTO stacktest VALUES ('C','A','B')
INSERT INTO stacktest VALUES ('C','A','B')
SELECT col1,col2,col3
FROM stacktest
GROUP BY col1,col2,col3
HAVING (COUNT(col1)>3 AND COUNT(col2) >3 AND COUNT(col3) > 3)
答案 2 :(得分:0)
只是宣布它没有功能,你可以在 private static final int VAL_NULL = -1;
private static final int VAL_STRING = 0;
private static final int VAL_INTEGER = 1;
private static final int VAL_MAP = 2;
private static final int VAL_BUNDLE = 3;
private static final int VAL_PARCELABLE = 4;
private static final int VAL_SHORT = 5;
private static final int VAL_LONG = 6;
private static final int VAL_FLOAT = 7;
private static final int VAL_DOUBLE = 8;
private static final int VAL_BOOLEAN = 9;
private static final int VAL_CHARSEQUENCE = 10;
private static final int VAL_LIST = 11;
private static final int VAL_SPARSEARRAY = 12;
private static final int VAL_BYTEARRAY = 13;
private static final int VAL_STRINGARRAY = 14;
private static final int VAL_IBINDER = 15;
private static final int VAL_PARCELABLEARRAY = 16;
private static final int VAL_OBJECTARRAY = 17;
private static final int VAL_INTARRAY = 18;
private static final int VAL_LONGARRAY = 19;
private static final int VAL_BYTE = 20;
private static final int VAL_SERIALIZABLE = 21;
private static final int VAL_SPARSEBOOLEANARRAY = 22;
private static final int VAL_BOOLEANARRAY = 23;
private static final int VAL_CHARSEQUENCEARRAY = 24;
private static final int VAL_PERSISTABLEBUNDLE = 25;
private static final int VAL_SIZE = 26;
private static final int VAL_SIZEF = 27;