namespace Blackjack
class Program
static Player[] players = new Player[5];
static int pointer = 0;
class PlayingCard
public string Suit;
public int Value;
public int Points;
// Alternate Constructor with 2 parameters - Int for Suit, Int for Value
// We use this in the generateDeck() function
public PlayingCard(int s, int v)
Value = v; // Sets the Value of the card to the value of v (The second argument)
switch (s) // Case statement based on the value of s
case 1: // If s == 1, then set the Suit to Clubs
Suit = "♣";
case 2: // If s == 2, then set the Suit to Diamonds
Suit = "♦";
case 3: // If s == 3, then set the Suit to Hearts
Suit = "♥";
case 4: // If s == 4, then set the Suit to Spades
Suit = "♠";
if (Value > 10)
Points = 10;
else if (Value == 1) // If it's an ace
Points = 11; // Set the points to 11
Points = Value;
class Player
public PlayingCard[] hand;
public int cardsInHand;
public int points;
public string name;
public Player()
hand = new PlayingCard[5];
cardsInHand = 0;
points = 0;
static void Main(string[] args)
// Generates the deck of 52 cards
static PlayingCard[] generateDeck()
PlayingCard[] deck = new PlayingCard[52]; // Declares an array of PlayingCards with a size of 52
int counter = 0; // Tells us where to save the next value into the array
// Nested for loop to generate all 52 cards - 4 possible suits with 13 possible values each
for (int suit = 1; suit < 5; suit++) // Loop through the 4 possible suits
for (int value = 1; value < 14; value++) // Loop through the 13 possible values
deck[counter] = new PlayingCard(suit, value); // Generate new card and store it in the deck
counter++; // Increment the counter
return deck; // Returns the completed deck
// Procedure to shuffle the deck of cards
static void shuffleDeck(ref PlayingCard[] deck)
Random rnd = new Random(); // Creates new Random object
PlayingCard temp; // Creates a variable for temporarily storing a PlayingCard
int num; // Creates an integer variable for storing the randomly generated numbers
for (int i = 0; i < deck.Length; i++) // Loop through each index in the array
num = rnd.Next(0, deck.Length); // Generate random num between 0 & 51
// Swap the contents of deck[i] and deck[num]
temp = deck[i];
deck[i] = deck[num];
deck[num] = temp;
// As deck is passed by reference, we do not need to return it to the main program
// The changes will have automatically been applied to the deck in the main program
static void outputCard(PlayingCard card)
switch (card.Value) // Case statement based on the value of card
// Case for 1 - "The Ace of ..."
case 1:
Console.WriteLine("The Ace of {0}", card.Suit);
// Case for 11 - "The Jack of ..."
case 11:
Console.WriteLine("The Jack of {0}", card.Suit);
// Case for 12 - "The Queen of ..."
case 12:
Console.WriteLine("The Queen of {0}", card.Suit);
// Case for 13 - "The King of ..."
case 13:
Console.WriteLine("The King of {0}", card.Suit);
// Case for everything else
Console.WriteLine("The {0} of {1}", card.Value, card.Suit);
// Output the details of a card using symbols - eg/ A♠
// Used to output the player's hand on the same line (See outputHand procedure below)
static void outputCardSymbol(PlayingCard card)
switch (card.Value) // Case statement based on the value of card
// Case for 1 - "The Ace of ..."
case 1:
Console.Write("A{0} ", card.Suit);
// Case for 11 - "The Jack of ..."
case 11:
Console.Write("J{0} ", card.Suit);
// Case for 12 - "The Queen of ..."
case 12:
Console.Write("Q{0} ", card.Suit);
// Case for 13 - "The King of ..."
case 13:
Console.Write("K{0} ", card.Suit);
// Case for everything else
Console.Write("{0}{1} ", card.Value, card.Suit);
// Outputs all of the cards in a player's hand along with their point total
static void outputHand(Player player)
// Print "Current Hand: "
Console.Write("Current Hand: ");
// Loop through all cards in hand
for (int i = 0; i < player.cardsInHand; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Current points: {0}.", player.points);
static void drawCard(PlayingCard[] deck, ref Player player)
PlayingCard nextCard = deck[pointer];
// Add the next card in the deck to the player's hand
if (player.cardsInHand < 5)
player.hand[player.cardsInHand] = nextCard;
// Increment the number of cards in the player's hand
// Add the point value of the new card to the player's total
player.points += nextCard.Points;
// Output the details of the card
// Increment the pointer
// Check if the player has exceeded 21 points
// Output the player's point total
static bool checkPoints(Player player)
// Output the player's point total
//Console.WriteLine("Current Points: {0}", player.points);
// Check if the player is bust
if (player.points > 21)
return false;
// Return true if the player is still alive
return true;
// Compare the player & the dealer
static void calculateWinner(Player player, Player dealer)
// Player wins if...
if (dealer.points > 21 || player.cardsInHand == 5 && dealer.cardsInHand != 5)
Console.WriteLine("{0} Wins!", player.name);
// The game ends in a draw if...
else if (dealer.points == player.points)
// Otherwise, the dealer has won
else if (dealer.points == 21 && player.points != 21 || player.cardsInHand < 5)
Console.WriteLine("{0} wins", dealer.points);
else if (player.cardsInHand == 5 && dealer.cardsInHand == 5)
if (player.points > dealer.points)
Console.WriteLine("{0} wins! 5 card trick: higher than dealers. ", player.name);
else if (player.points == dealer.points)
Console.WriteLine("It's a draw! 5 card trick: same! ");
Console.WriteLine("{0} wins! 5 card trick: less than dealers. ", dealer.name);
// Checks if the player has any aces with a point value of 11 (high)
// If the player is about to go bust, change the ace to a point value of 1 (low)
// Then update the player's score
static void checkAces(ref Player player)
bool changed = false; // Flags up if we've changed an ace already
if (player.points > 21)
for (int i = 0; i < player.cardsInHand; i++)
if (player.hand[i].Points == 11 && changed == false) // If it's a high ace
player.hand[i].Points = 1; // Change it to a low ace
player.points -= 10; // Take 10 away from player's points
changed = true;
static void onePlayer()
string playAgain = "Undefined";
// Generate the deck of cards & shuffle it
PlayingCard[] deck = generateDeck();
shuffleDeck(ref deck);
// Create the two player objects
Player player = new Player();
Console.Write("Please enter your name: ");
player.name = Console.ReadLine();
Player dealer = new Player();
Console.Write("Please enter a name for the dealer: ");
dealer.name = Console.ReadLine();
// Draw the first two cards for the Player
drawCard(deck, ref player);
drawCard(deck, ref player);
checkAces(ref player); // Call checkAces to see if we can stop player going bust
checkPoints(player); // Output the player's point total
bool alive = true;
string choice = "Undefined";
while (alive == true && choice != "STICK")
Console.Write("Hit or Stick? ");
choice = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();
if (choice == "HIT") // If the user asks to hit then...
drawCard(deck, ref player);
// If player still has a valid point total, alive will remain true
// If the player is now bust, alive will become false and the loop will exit
checkAces(ref player); // Call checkAces to see if we can stop player going bust
alive = checkPoints(player);
// If the player isn't bust, it's time for the dealer's turn
if (alive == true)
bool dealerAlive = true;
Console.WriteLine("*** Dealer's Turn ***");
drawCard(deck, ref dealer);
drawCard(deck, ref dealer);
checkAces(ref dealer); // Call checkAces to see if we can stop dealer going bust
while (dealerAlive == true)
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to Continue");
// Draw the dealer's next card and check if they are still alive
drawCard(deck, ref dealer);
checkAces(ref dealer); // Call checkAces to see if we can stop dealer going bust
dealerAlive = checkPoints(dealer);
// Calculate & output the winner
calculateWinner(player, dealer);
Console.Write("Do you want to play again? Y/N ");
playAgain = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();
} while (playAgain == "Y");
答案 0 :(得分:0)
<强> Player.cs 强>
namespace Blackjack
public class Player
public PlayingCard[] hand;
public int cardsInHand;
public int points;
public string name;
public Player()
hand = new PlayingCard[5];
cardsInHand = 0;
points = 0;