1 A 805qhau1hbnm1 0.001
2 A 47s11wwxy8x7c 0.521
3 A 92g6022uvxtmf 0.036
4 A 92pkgg5y0gvkk 0.002
5 B gxx44abszy02j 0.066
6 B agupupsu0gq26 0.001
7 B 92g6022uvxtmf 0.003
8 B 92g6022uvxtmf 0.003
9 B agupupsu0gq26 0.004
10 B dwvprfgxafqct 0.058
11 B 92pkgg5y0gvkk 0.161
12 B 2264vrpp4b02v 0.444
13 B 92g6022uvxtmf 0.084
14 B 1ypga6ay26dyk 0.018
15 B 9tkrv34jdmvtk 0.414
16 B agupupsu0gq26 0.001
17 B agupupsu0gq26 0.002
18 B gxx44abszy02j 0.065
19 B 0mtz8hnvvm63r 0.012
20 B 9ta79k8xtyzdy 0.006
21 B 92g6022uvxtmf 0.014
22 A 47s11wwxy8x7c 0.539
23 A 92g6022uvxtmf 0.028
24 A 92pkgg5y0gvkk 0.003
25 A 92pkgg5y0gvkk 0.002
26 A 805qhau1hbnm1 0.001
27 A fmubqnkxnj16f 0.451
28 B 448pxv1p0ffjp 0.040
29 B 3cj2kj0rx311k 0.012
30 B 9ta79k8xtyzdy 0.006
31 B gxx44abszy02j 0.064
32 B agupupsu0gq26 0.002
33 B agupupsu0gq26 0.001
34 A 92pkgg5y0gvkk 0.002
35 A 65a353h1x9yfd 0.055
36 B dbrx980zu7bmk 0.009
l_myPlot <- ( ggplot( data = l_data
, aes( x = reorder( x = ID, X = NUMBER, sum, order = TRUE )
, y = NUMBER
+ geom_bar( stat = 'identity' )
+ facet_wrap( ~ LETTER
, scales = "free_x"
+ theme ( axis.text.x = element_text( angle = 90, hjust = 1 ) )
+ scale_y_continuous()
如您所见,我正在根据添加数字列(第2行)重新排序x轴。问题是排序没有正确完成。请看一下 A 方面,ID 92...vkk
答案 0 :(得分:3)
我的方法是使用因子来订购由LETTER和ID创建的新标识符,然后使用scale_x_discrete(labels =)来更改x轴标签。
# summarise the data
ld <- l_data %>% group_by(LETTER, ID) %>% transmute(sum = sum(NUMBER))
ld <- ld[!duplicated(ld) ,]
# Sort in correct order
ld <- ld[with(ld, order(LETTER, sum)) ,]
# Factor in the sorted order
ld$new_ID <- factor(paste(ld$LETTER, ld$ID),
levels = paste(ld$LETTER, ld$ID))
# Plot
l_myPlot <- ggplot() +
geom_bar( data = ld,
aes(x = new_ID,
y = sum ),
stat = 'identity' ) +
facet_wrap( ~ LETTER
, scales = "free_x"
) +
scale_x_discrete(labels=ld$ID) +
theme ( axis.text.x = element_text( angle = 90, hjust = 1 ) ) +