
时间:2015-12-15 00:55:17

标签: c++ algorithm opencv time-complexity complexity-theory

所以我正在使用openCV并尝试“从头开始”编写一堆算法,以便我能够真正理解库正在做什么。我写了一个改进的草火算法来从我已经数字化的图像中分割BLOB。但是,该算法需要2分钟才能在我非常强大的笔记本电脑上运行(16 gig ram,quad core i7等...)。我在这做什么让它如此复杂?或者,是否有更好的算法从数字化图像中提取BLOB? 谢谢!


    std::vector<boundingBox> grassFire(cv::Mat digitalImage){
        std::vector<boundingBox> blobList;
        int minY, minX, maxY, maxX, area, yRadius, xRadius, xCenter, yCenter;
        for(int curRow = 0; curRow<digitalImage.rows; curRow++){
                for(int curCol = 0; curCol<digitalImage.cols; curCol++){
                       //if there is something at that spot in the image
                        if((int)digitalImage.at<unsigned char>(curRow, curCol)){
                                minY = curRow;
                                maxY = curRow;
                                minX = curCol;
                                maxX = curCol;
                                area = 0;
                                yRadius = 0;
                                xRadius = 0;
                                for(int fireRow=curRow; fireRow<digitalImage.rows; fireRow++){
                                        //is in keeps track of the row and started keeps track of the col
                                        //is in will break if no pixel in the row is part of the blob
                                        //started will break the inner loop if a nonpixel is reached AFTER a pixel is reached
                                        bool isIn = false;
                                        bool started = false;
                                        for(int fireCol = curCol; fireCol<digitalImage.cols; fireCol++){
                                                //make sure that the pixel is still in
                                                if((int)digitalImage.at<unsigned char>(fireRow, fireCol)){
                                                        //signal that an in pixel has been found
                                                        started = true;
                                                        //signal that the row is still in
                                                        isIn = true;
                                                        //add to the area
                                                        //reset the extrema variables
                                                        if(fireCol > maxX){maxX = fireCol;}
                                                        if(fireCol < minX){minX = fireCol;}
                                                        if(fireRow > maxY){maxY = fireRow;}
                                                        //no need to check min y since it is set already by the loop trigger

                                                        //set the checked pixel values to 0 to avoid double counting
                                                        digitalImage.at<unsigned char>(fireRow, fireCol) = 0;
                                                //break if the next pixel is not in and youve already seen an in pixel
                                                //do nothing otherwise
                                                //if the entire blob has been detected
                        }else{}//just continue the loop if the current pixel is not in 
                        //calculate all blob specific values for the blob at hand
                        xRadius =(int)((double)(maxX - minX)/2.);
                        yRadius =(int)((double)(maxY - minY)/2.);
                        xCenter = maxX - xRadius;
                        yCenter = maxY - yRadius;
                        //add the blob to the vector in the appropriate position (largest area first)
                        int pos = 0;
                        for(auto elem : blobList){
                                if(elem.getArea() > area){
                        blobList.insert(blobList.begin() + pos, boundingBox(area, xRadius, yRadius, xCenter, yCenter));

        return blobList;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



for(const auto &elem : blobList)
