
时间:2015-12-09 22:03:48

标签: haskell


getGPS :: String -> IO (Double, Double)
getGPS ip = do
  html <- getHTML ip
  let ztags =Prelude.zip [0..] . filterStr . getTagText . getTags $ html
  let nlat = Prelude.head $ Prelude.map fst . Prelude.filter (\(_, str) -> strEq str ("Latitude:" :: String)) $ ztags
  let nlng = Prelude.head $ Prelude.map fst . Prelude.filter (\(_, str) -> strEq str ("Longitude:" :: String)) $ ztags
  let lat = read (Prelude.head $ Prelude.map snd . Prelude.filter (\(n, _) -> n == nlat + 1) $ ztags) :: Double
  let lng = read (Prelude.head $ Prelude.map snd . Prelude.filter (\(n, _) -> n == nlng + 1) $ ztags) :: Double
  return (lat, lng)

工作正常。现在,我想通过FFI导出此功能,以便从C应用程序访问它。我做了foreign export ccall getGPS :: CString -> IO (CDouble, CDouble),但这不起作用:

    Illegal foreign declaration: requires unregisterised, llvm (-fllvm) or native code generation (-fasm)
    When checking declaration:
      foreign export ccall "getGPS" getGPS
        :: CString -> IO (CDouble, CDouble)

    Unacceptable result type in foreign declaration:
      ‘(CDouble, CDouble)’ cannot be marshalled in a foreign call
    When checking declaration:
      foreign export ccall "getGPS" getGPS
        :: CString -> IO (CDouble, CDouble)

    Couldn't match type ‘Double’ with ‘CDouble’
    Expected type: CString -> IO (CDouble, CDouble)
      Actual type: String -> IO (Double, Double)
    In the expression: getGPS
    When checking declaration:
      foreign export ccall "getGPS" getGPS
        :: CString -> IO (CDouble, CDouble)
Failed, modules loaded: none.


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)


  • foreign exportgetGPS函数的类型必须匹配,因此您需要从CString到CDouble的GPS包装器(使用peekCStringCDouble来转换它们)
  • 你不能使用元组作为返回参数。有多种解决方案,比如使用2 Ptr CDouble个参数或定义结构。


foreign export ccall "getGPS" getGPS' :: CString -> Ptr CDouble -> Ptr CDouble -> IO ()

getGPS' :: CString -> Ptr CDouble -> Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
getGPS' str d1 d2 = do
  (r1, r2) <- getGPS =<< peekCString str
  poke d1 (CDouble r1)
  poke d2 (CDouble r2)
