WSO2 AS服务器传递日期以创建solr日期时出错

时间:2015-12-09 20:24:18

标签: web-services web web-applications wso2


ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.registry.indexing.solr.SolrClient} - Error when passing date to create solr date Unparseable date: "Sun Dec 13 21:19:56 GMT+01:00 2015" 

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

I've had the same problem with WSO2 API Manager 10.0 in CentOS. It's related with the locale used by the JVM that seems to be not supported by the server.

As a workaround, I've solved it changing the region of the JVM adding the next parameter to the JVM in

 -Duser.region=US \

答案 1 :(得分:0)

您无需安装WSO2产品。只需解压一下Windows的运行[WSO2_Product] / bin / wso2server .bat或Linux的.sh。

要在同一服务器中运行它们,在启动之前,更改[WSO2_Product] /repository/conf/carbon.xml中的偏移值示例:

<!-- Ports offset. This entry will set the value of the ports defined below to
 the define value + Offset.
 e.g. Offset=2 and HTTPS port=9443 will set the effective HTTPS port to 9445

在这种情况下,端口变为9444和9764,偏移量= 0(9443和9763)

答案 2 :(得分:0)

只有区域选项没有&#39;为我工作。 我添加了以下选项:

-Duser.region=US -Duser.language=us