
时间:2015-12-08 22:05:18

标签: java selenium-webdriver automated-tests

我的任务是确定我的@Entity @EntityListeners(com.acme.AlertMonitor.class) // set callback method in another class public class Account { Long accountId; Integer balance; boolean preferred; @Id public Long getAccountId() { ... } ... public Integer getBalance() { ... } ... @Transient public boolean isPreferred() { ... } ... public void deposit(Integer amount) { ... } public Integer withdraw(Integer amount) throws NSFException {... } @PreUpdate // callback method in some class protected void validateCreate() { if (getBalance() < MIN_REQUIRED_BALANCE) throw new AccountException("Insufficient balance to open an account"); } @PostUpdate // callback method in some class protected void adjustPreferredStatus() { preferred = (getBalance() >= AccountManager.getPreferredStatusLevel()); } } // callback method in another class public class AlertMonitor { @PreUpdate // callback method in another class public void updateAccountAlert(Account acct) { Alerts.sendMarketingInfo(acct.getAccountId(), acct.getBalance()); } } 脚本套件的覆盖范围。基本上,我的自动脚本运行的代码百分比是多少?



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查看JaCoCo,特别是Session Import and Export部分。 JaCoCo是一个Eclipse插件。它的主要用例是在IDE中设置代码并显示覆盖范围,这将突出显示已访问的代码片段。您可以检测代码,运行自动化套件,然后将执行数据导入Eclipse,以使用上面提到的会话导入查看执行的代码。
