var d = new Date( this.year, this.month + 1, 0 ),
// number of days in the month
monthLength = d.getDate(),
firstDay = new Date( this.year, this.month, 1 );
// day of the week
this.startingDay = firstDay.getDay();
var html = '<div class="fc-body"><div class="fc-row">',
// fill in the days
day = 1;
// this loop is for weeks (rows)
for ( var i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) {
// this loop is for weekdays (cells)
for ( var j = 0; j <= 6; j++ ) {
var pos = this.startingDay - this.options.startIn,
p = pos < 0 ? 6 + pos + 1 : pos,
inner = '',
today = this.month === this.today.getMonth() && this.year === this.today.getFullYear() && day === this.today.getDate(),
content = '';
if ( day <= monthLength && ( i > 0 || j >= p ) ) {
inner += '<span class="fc-date">' + day + '</span><span class="fc-weekday">' + this.options.weekabbrs[ j + this.options.startIn > 6 ? j + this.options.startIn - 6 - 1 : j + this.options.startIn ] + '</span>';
// this day is:
var strdate = ( this.year ) + '/' + ( this.month + 1 < 10 ? '/' + ( this.month + 1 ) : this.month + 1 ) + '/' + ( day < 10 ? '0' + day : day ) ,
dayData = this.caldata[ strdate ];
if( dayData ) {
content = dayData;
if( content !== '' ) {
inner += '<div>' + content + '</div>';
else {
today = false;
var cellClasses = today ? 'fc-today ' : '';
if( content !== '' ) {
cellClasses += 'fc-content';
html += cellClasses !== '' ? '<div class="' + cellClasses + '">' : '<div>';
html += inner;
html += '</div>';
格式数据:YYYY / MM / DD
var codropsEvents = { &#39;十二分之二千零一十五/ 24#39; :&#39; asd&#39; };
但对我来说需要YYYY / MM / DD HH:mm
var codropsEvents = { &#39; 2015/12/24 19:00&#39; :&#39; asd&#39; };
答案 0 :(得分:0)
//这一天是: var strdate =(this.year)+'/'+(this.month + 1&lt; 10?'/'+(this.month + 1):this.month + 1)+'/'+(day&lt; 10?'0'+日:每天), dayData = this.caldata [strdate];