set "unit=mb"&set "dsize=100"
现在有办法只列出文件名吗?如果可能的话,谁能告诉我它是如何工作的?我不明白" set size =%1"和#34;回声。%~2"部分。怎么"%~2"用路径回显文件名?
for /r %%m in (%ext%) do call :logic %%~zm "%%m"
set size=%1
if '%unit%'=='bb' set "sizen=%size%"
if '%unit%'=='kb' set "sizen=%size:~0,-3%"
if '%unit%'=='mb' set "sizen=%size:~0,-6%"
if not defined sizen set sizen=0
if %sizen% gtr %dsize% echo.%~2>> temp.txt&cls
exit /b
答案 0 :(得分:0)
package {
import flash.net.SharedObject;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
public class gestioneMultilingua
public static function settaLingua(lingua:String):void
var dati:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("datiApp", "/");
dati.data.lingua = lingua;
public static function applicaFiltriLingua():void
var dati:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("datiApp", "/");
var lingua : String = dati.data.lingua;
for(var i:int = 0; i<numChildren; i++){
var e:Object = getChildAt(i);
if(e.name.indexOf("$"+lingua) >= 0){
e.visible = true;
else if(e.name.indexOf("$") >= 0){
e.visible = false;
for /r %%i in (*.*) do (
echo %%~xxx )
%~I - expands %I removing any surrounding quotes (")
%~fI - expands %I to a fully qualified path name
%~dI - expands %I to a drive letter only
%~pI - expands %I to a path only
%~nI - expands %I to a file name only
%~xI - expands %I to a file extension only
%~sI - expanded path contains short names only
%~aI - expands %I to file attributes of file
%~tI - expands %I to date/time of file
%~zI - expands %I to size of file
%~$PATH:I - searches the directories listed in the PATH
environment variable and expands %I to the
fully qualified name of the first one found.
If the environment variable name is not
defined or the file is not found by the
search, then this modifier expands to the
empty string
在上面的示例中,%I和PATH可以替换为其他有效的 值。 %〜语法由有效的FOR变量名终止。 选择大写变量名称(如%I)使其更具可读性 避免与修饰符混淆,修饰符不区分大小写。