我有一个Python 3脚本,可以24/7运行无限循环。它建立了一个网站连接并转到某个网页下载文件。
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答案 1 :(得分:0)
嗯,我相信他们称之为" kludge"。我发布了下面的一些评论和打印行,以便澄清,看看它是如何工作的。无论如何,这似乎运作得很好。每个循环将在?1:30和?6:30之间开始(除了第一个循环),相隔5分钟,并且在循环开始时的几毫秒内。当然,如果您决定使用它,则需要进行编辑,但也许这是一个有用的开始。
##### import modules
import time
import datetime
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
##### create list of possible loop start times; this here creates start times every 5 minutes, starting the loops at 01:30, 06:30, 11:30, etc., after the hour
dt_cur = datetime.now()
dt_4_list = datetime.strptime(str(dt_cur.year) + '-' + str(dt_cur.month) + '-' + str(dt_cur.day) + ' ' + str(dt_cur.hour) + ':1:30', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
ls_dt = [dt_4_list]
for i in range(288):
dt_4_list = dt_4_list + timedelta(minutes = 5)
##### begin the loop
loop_timer = 0
while loop_timer < 275:
if loop_timer > 0:
##### check if the loop started before the exact time due to time.sleep() not being exactly accurate
time_check = datetime.now().strftime("%S.%f")
time_check = float(time_check)
loop_time_check = 0
while time_check < 30 and loop_time_check < 100:
time_check = datetime.now().strftime("%S.%f")
time_check = float(time_check)
print(time_check, '- WARNING: time_check < 30; loop =', loop_time_check + 1, flush=True)
loop_time_check += 1
if loop_time_check == 100:
print(time_check, '- WARNING: exiting script early; time_check < 30 100 times', flush=True)
raise SystemExit()
##### start doing stuff here ##########################################################################################
dt_cur = datetime.now()
print(dt_cur, flush=True)
for i in range(5): ##### this is where your own script does it's work before resting until the next loop
print(i, flush=True)
##### end doing stuff here #############################################################################################
##### create the current datetime var
dt_cur = datetime.now()
print(dt_cur, flush=True)
##### create the dt_next_loop time var, increment the loop
for d in ls_dt:
if d > dt_cur:
dt_next_loop = d
loop_timer += 1
##### get the seconds to sleep the script but make it about 5 seconds short of the actual time to begin the next loop
sleep_secs = (dt_next_loop - dt_cur) - timedelta(seconds=5)
sleep_secs = timedelta.total_seconds(sleep_secs)
##### sleep the script about 5 seconds more before the actual time to begin the next loop (sleep.time() is not precisely accurate
##### over minutes and doing this again 5 seconds before the time to begin the next loop will ensure more accuracy)
sleep_secs = datetime.now().strftime("%S.%f")
sleep_secs = 30 - float(sleep_secs)