class Session {
static let sharedInstance = Session()
private init() {}
// app properties
var token: String!
var promotions: JSON!
let urls = [ "promotions": "http:..." ]
let results = urls.map { (k, url) in
self.getFromApi(url, params: ["token" : token]) { response in
guard response as? JSON != nil else { return }
Session.sharedInstance[k] = response
// the above should compile to Session.sharedInstance["promotions"] = response.
subscript(property: Any) -> Any {
get {
return Session.sharedInstance[property]
set(newValue) {
Session.sharedInstance[property] = newValue
非常感谢任何帮助或建议。 提前谢谢。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
class Session {
static let sharedInstance = Session()
private init() {}
// app properties
var token: String!
private var fetchedJSON : [String:Any] = [:]
var keys : [String] {
return Array(fetchedJSON.keys)
// handy to do downcasts in here
var promotions : JSON? {
get {
if let promotions = fetchedJSON["promotions"] as? JSON {
return promotions
} else {
return nil
set(value) {
fetchedJSON["prmotions"] = value
subscript(property: String) -> Any? {
get {
return fetchedJSON[property]
set(newValue) {
fetchedJSON[property] = newValue
或创建一个有限的KVC(这也可以通过Oliver Borchert的另一个答案中所述的反思来完成):
class Singleton {
var alpha : Any?
var beta : Any?
var delta : Any?
subscript(property: String) -> Any? {
get {
switch property {
case "alpha" : return self.alpha
case "beta" : return self.beta
case "delta" : return self.delta
default : return nil
set(newValue) {
switch property {
case "alpha" : self.alpha = newValue
case "beta" : self.beta = newValue
case "delta" : self.delta = newValue
default : return
答案 1 :(得分:1)
subscript(property: String) -> Any {
get {
for i in 0..<reflect(self).count { // loop through all properties
if reflect(self)[i].0 == property { // find property with specified name
return reflect(self)[i].1.summary // return property's value
fatalError("no such property found")
} set(newValue) {
for i in 0..<reflect(self).count { // loop through all properties
if reflect(self)[i].0 == property { // find property with specified name
self.setValue(newValue, forKey: property) // not possible to do otherwise in Swift