
时间:2015-12-01 03:19:08

标签: java performance java-8 java-stream

这里是Full Sourcea direct link to the data


private static final int ITERATIONS = 100;
private static final DataFactory RANDOM_DF = DataFactoryImpl.defaultInstance();

@Test // 6s
public void testGetMaxLength() throws Exception {
    for ( int i = 1; i < ITERATIONS; i++ ) {
        testGetMaxLength( i );

private void testGetMaxLength( final int length ) {
    for ( int i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++ ) {
        String word = RANDOM_DF.word().getMaxLength( length );
        assertThat( word, not( isEmptyOrNullString() ) );
        assertThat( word.length(), allOf( greaterThanOrEqualTo( 1 ), lessThanOrEqualTo( length ) ) );

@Test //  301ms
public void testGetLength() throws Exception {
    for ( int i = 1; i < ITERATIONS; i++ ) {
        testGetLength( i );

private void testGetLength( final int length ) {
    for ( int i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++ ) {
        String word = RANDOM_DF.word().getLength( length );
        assertThat( word, not( isEmptyOrNullString() ) );
        assertThat( word.length(), equalTo( length ) );


final class DataFactoryUtil {
    private DataFactoryUtil() {

    static <T> Optional<T> valueFromMap(
            final Map<Integer, List<T>> map,
            final IntUnaryOperator randomSupplier,
            final int minInclusive,
            final int maxInclusive
    ) {
        List<T> list = map.entrySet()
                .parallelStream() // line 26
                .filter( e -> e.getKey() >= minInclusive && e.getKey() <= maxInclusive )
                .map( Map.Entry::getValue )
                .flatMap( Collection::stream )
                .collect( Collectors.toList() );

        return valueFromList( list, randomSupplier );

    static <T> Optional<T> valueFromList( final List<T> list, final IntUnaryOperator randomSupplier ) {
    int random = randomSupplier.applyAsInt( list.size() );
    return list.isEmpty() ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of( list.get( random ) );

    static List<String> dict() {
        try {
            URL url = DataFactoryUtil.class.getClassLoader().getResource( "dictionary" );
            assert url != null;
            return Files.lines( Paths.get( url.toURI() ) ).collect( Collectors.toList() );
        catch ( URISyntaxException | IOException e ) {
            throw new IllegalStateException( e );


public interface RandomStringFactory {

    default String getMaxLength( final int maxInclusive ) {
        return this.getRange( 1, maxInclusive );

    String getRange( final int minInclusive, final int maxInclusive );

    default String getLength( int length ) {
        return this.getRange( length, length );


DataFactoryImpl( final IntBinaryOperator randomSource, final List<String> wordSource ) {
    this.random = randomSource;
    this.wordSource = wordSource.stream().collect( Collectors.groupingBy( String::length ) );

public static DataFactory defaultInstance() {
    return new DataFactoryImpl( RandomUtils::nextInt, dict() );

default RandomStringFactory word() {
    return ( min, max ) -> valueFromMap( getWordSource(), ( size ) -> getRandom().applyAsInt( 0, size ), min, max )
            .orElse( alphabetic().getRange( min, max ) );





public static DataFactory defaultInstance() {
    return new DataFactoryImpl( (a, b) -> a == b ? a :    ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(a, b), dict() ); 

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

差异实际上在RandomUtils.nextInt()实现中,您使用它来生成随机数。如果startInclusiveendInclusive参数匹配(如getLength()中),它只返回非常快的参数。否则,它会请求java.util.Random对象的静态实例来获取随机数。 java.util.Random是线程安全的,但存在非常严重的争用问题:您不能独立地请求来自不同线程的随机数:它们将在CAS循环中挨饿。当您在.parallelStream()中使用valueFromMap时,您遇到了这些问题。


new DataFactoryImpl( (a, b) -> ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(a, b+1), dict() );


new DataFactoryImpl( 
    (a, b) -> a == b ? a : ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(a, b+1), dict() );


答案 1 :(得分:3)


为什么这两种方法的测量结果如此不同   实施?


在第一种情况下,该集合由一本书组成。你打开最后一页,查看它的号码 - 那就是它!一块蛋糕。


同样在你的测试中。 testGetLength选择具有给定长度的随机单词,其中所有单词已按其长度分组。

filter( e -> e.getKey() >= minInclusive && e.getKey() <= maxInclusive )最多只保留一组单词,但更常见,甚至为零(没有长度> 30的单词)。

testGetMaxLength选择一个比给定长度短的随机字。这些单词的列表永远不会是空的。更糟糕的是,您的flatMap + collect将所有按长度列表合并到一个大型组合列表中,并且此操作在速度上非常慢。你有没有试过使用分析器?


