我有一个带有服务器端和客户端组件的Web应用程序。我使用Google Maps HTTP API和Google Maps Javascript API在双方执行相同的地理编码请求。
This JSBin,在Bounds 1
和Bounds 3
时,地图会缩放到仍然包含所有矩形的最高级别(根据我的研究,边界附近还有45 px边距)。
此实际视口的地理坐标是我正在寻找的。 p>
在此SO answer中,John-S提供了一种计算给定维度中地图的最高缩放级别的方法。
坐标对)和map div的大小,并返回map.fitBounds
答案 0 :(得分:0)
from math import radians, cos, sin, atan2, sqrt, pow, pi, log, floor, tan, atan, exp
class Coordinate(object):
def __init__(self, lat, lng):
Represents a coordinate with decimal latitude and longitude in degrees
:type lat: float
:type lng: float
self.lat = lat
self.lng = lng
def in_rectangle(self, box):
:param box: Box
:return: True or False
return (box.south_west.lat <= self.lat <= box.north_east.lat) and \
(box.south_west.lng <= self.lng <= box.north_east.lng)
def distance_to_coordinate(self, another_coordinate):
# convert decimal degrees to radians
Calculates the distance between the coordinate and the supplied coordinate. Based on the Haversine formula.
Returns the value in meters.
:param another_coordinate: Coordinate
:return: float
lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2 = map(radians, [self.lng, self.lat, another_coordinate.lng, another_coordinate.lat])
# haversine formula
delta_lon = lon2 - lon1
delta_lat = lat2 - lat1
a = sin(delta_lat / 2) ** 2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(delta_lon / 2) ** 2
c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a))
km = 6378100 * c
return km
class Box(object):
def __init__(self, south_west, north_east):
Represents a rectangle on the sphere with the south west and north east corners.
:type north_east: Coordinate
:type south_west: Coordinate
self.north_east = north_east
self.south_west = south_west
def center(self):
Calculates the center point of the box
:rtype : Coordinate
lat_center = self.south_west.lat + (self.north_east.lat-self.south_west.lat)/2
lng_center = self.south_west.lng + (self.north_east.lng-self.south_west.lng)/2
return Coordinate(lat_center, lng_center)
def max_zoom_level_to_fit_box_in_element(box, element_width, element_height):
Calculates the maximum zoom level that would fit box in a map element with the specified width and height
:type box: Box
:type element_height: float
:type element_width: float
ne = box.north_east
sw = box.south_west
lat_fraction = (_lat_to_rad(ne.lat) - _lat_to_rad(sw.lat)) / pi
lng_delta = ne.lng - sw.lng
lng_fraction = ((lng_delta+360) if lng_delta < 0 else lng_delta)/360
lat_zoom = _zoom(element_height, WORLD_HEIGHT, lat_fraction)
lng_zoom = _zoom(element_width, WORLD_WIDTH, lng_fraction)
return min(lat_zoom, lng_zoom, ZOOM_MAX)
def viewport_for_box_in_element(box, element_width, element_height, zoom):
Calculates the viewport, rectangle, which will fit box within it for a given map size and zoom level.
The return value is a box, with coordinates on the sphere.
:param box: Box
:param element_width: float
:param element_height: float
:param zoom: float
:return: Box
center_x, center_y = _lat_and_lng_to_x_and_y_for_zoom(box.center().lat, box.center().lng, zoom)
viewport_sw_x, viewport_sw_y = center_x - element_width/2, center_y+element_height/2
viewport_ne_x, viewport_ne_y = center_x + element_width/2, center_y-element_height/2
viewport_sw = _x_and_y_to_lat_and_lng_for_zoom(viewport_sw_x, viewport_sw_y, zoom)
viewport_ne = _x_and_y_to_lat_and_lng_for_zoom(viewport_ne_x, viewport_ne_y, zoom)
return Box(viewport_sw, viewport_ne)
def _lat_and_lng_to_x_and_y_for_zoom(lat, lng, zoom):
Converts decimal degree coordinates on the sphere to x and y points on the flat Web Mercator projection, for a
given zoom level.
:param lat: float
:param lng: float
:param zoom: float
:return: x,y: float
lat_rad = lat * (pi/180)
lng_rad = lng * (pi/180)
x = (128/pi)*pow(2, zoom)*(lng_rad + pi)
y = (128/pi)*pow(2, zoom)*(pi-log(tan(pi/4+lat_rad/2)))
return x, y
def _x_and_y_to_lat_and_lng_for_zoom(x, y, zoom):
Converts x and y points on the flat Web Mercator projection, for a given zoom level, to decimal degrees on the
:param x: float
:param y: float
:param zoom: float
:return: Coordinate
lng_rad = (x*pi)/(pow(2, zoom)*128)-pi
lat_rad = 2*atan(exp(pi-((y*pi)/(pow(2, zoom)*128))))-pi/2
return Coordinate(lat_rad*(180/pi), lng_rad*(180/pi))
def _lat_to_rad(lat):
Converts a decimal degree latitude to radians, given the fact how Web Mercator projection wraps on the latitude.
:param lat: float
:return: float
_sin = sin(lat * pi / 180)
rad_x2 = log((1 + _sin) / (1 - _sin)) / 2
return max(min(rad_x2, pi), -pi) / 2
def _zoom(map_px, world_px, fraction):
Calculates a zoom level
:param map_px: float
:param world_px: float
:param fraction: float
ln_2 = log(2)
return floor(log(map_px / world_px / fraction) / ln_2)
答案 1 :(得分:-1)