使用可本地化的UserControls&amp ;;在WinForm中在运行时更改文化的正确方法是什么?继承控件?

时间:2015-11-30 08:56:05

标签: .net vb.net winforms localization


'Calls after changing Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture
'and Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture

Imports System.ComponentModel

Protected Overridable Sub ChangeUILang()
    Dim t As Type = Me.GetType
    Dim resMgr As ComponentResourceManager
    While (Not t.Equals(GetType(Form)))
        resMgr = New ComponentResourceManager(t)
            ChangeUILangWork(Me, resMgr)
        Catch ex As Resources.MissingManifestResourceException
            'resource file doesn't exist, skip
        End Try
        t = t.BaseType
    End While
End Sub

Private Sub ChangeUILangWork(ctr As Control, resMgr As ComponentResourceManager)
    For Each ctrUnit As Control In ctr.Controls
        If ctrUnit.Visible Then
            'Change Lang for the control
            resMgr.ApplyResources(ctrUnit, ctrUnit.Name, _ 
            'override visiblity in designer. Already checked to be visible
            ctrUnit.Visible = True
            'For image based controls
            If (TypeOf ctrUnit Is ImageBaseControlI) Then
                DirectCast(ctrUnit, ImageBaseControlI).ChangeLang()
            End If
            If ctrUnit.HasChildren Then
                If TypeOf ctrUnit Is UserControl Then
                    'Look into its own .resx for user controls
                    Dim resMgr2 As New ComponentResourceManager(ctrUnit.GetType)
                    ChangeUILangWork(ctrUnit, resMgr2)
                    ChangeUILangWork(ctrUnit, resMgr)
                End If
                'For panels with custom paint 
            End If
        End If
    Next ctrUnit
End Sub
  1. 有没有正确的方法在运行时更改UI语言,包括用户控件和内联控件,而不是将所有资源文件应用于所有这样的元素?控件不应该知道他们的本地化数据在哪里吗?

  2. 无论如何都要检查资源文件是否存在?如果可能的话,我想避免空尝试。

  3. 背景:


    'This defines the layout of the main pages
    Public Class MainPageBaseForm    
        Inherits Form
        Protected LblHeader As Label 'Added and localized from designer       
    End Class
    'This defines common event handlers for pages related to books
    'No localization file for this class
    Public Class BooksBaseForm
        Inherits MainPageBaseForm
        Event BookStatusChanged(sender As Object, e As BookStatusEventArgs)
    End Class   
    'Individual pages / forms
    Public Class FrmBooks001
        Inherits BooksBaseForm
        Protected LblDesc As Label 'Localized Label added from designer
        Protected SearchKeysInputFields As BooksEnqInForm 'Localized user control
        Protected BntChLang As Button 'Button to switch UI culture
        'Other controls like textboxes & buttons for this page
    End Class

    点击切换文化按钮后,应刷新表单Controls。我找到了适用于简单表单的方式(How do I change the culture of a WinForms application at runtime):

    Private Sub ChangeUILang(parentCtr As Control)
        Dim resMgr As New System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(GetType(FrmBooks001))
        For Each ctr As Control In parentCtr.Controls
            resources.ApplyResources(ctr, ctr.Name, New CultureInfo("zh"))
            if ctr.HasChildren then
            end if
    End Sub

    但是这只适用于在FrmBooks001中直接定义的控件,而且只适用于vanilla控件(不是UserControl)。我从这篇文章中找出原因: Switching language (cultureinfo/globalization) does not affect ToolStripMenuItems





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