
时间:2015-11-28 16:36:19

标签: python numpy scipy fft ifft


from numpy import zeros, concatenate, sin, pi, linspace
from numpy.fft import fft, fftfreq, ifft
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

N = 1024 # samples
T = 1 # period
dt = T/N # sampling period
fs = 1/dt # sampling frequency
t = linspace(0, T, N) # time points
functime = .... # square wave

funcfft = fft(functime) # fft
fftcoeffs = np.abs(funcfft)/N # coefficients, divide by N to get actual coeff.s(I believe?)
freqs = fftfreq(N, dt) # frequencies

plt.plot(freqs, fftcoeffs) # gives me reasonable output

FF = ifft(funcfft)
plt.plot(t, FF) # plots exactly the same function as functime defined above

FFF = zeros(N)
for i in range(300):
    FFF += fftcoeffs[i]*sin(2*pi*freqs[i]*t)
plt.plot(t, FFF)



freqs2 = np.abs(freqs)
freqs2 = np.sort(freqs2)
for k in range(300):
    FFF += fftcoeffs[k]*exp(2j*pi*freqs2[k]*t/N)

我不确定我是否按照绝对值" 排序fftfreq "部分就在这里。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


此问题中没有任何内容专门针对fast Fourier transform (FFT)。 FFT是用于计算discrete Fourier transform (DFT)的特定算法,因此我将说“DFT”而不是“FFT”。



这里有几个问题,所有这些都是数学上的,这些问题来自对DFT如何工作的误解。 取自numpy.fft模块docstring,numpy将离散傅里叶变换定义为


A_k = \ sum_ {m = 0} ^ {n-1} a_m \ exp [-2 \ pi i(m k / n)]

这是LaTeX符号,表示离散傅立叶变换是复指数exp[2 pi i m k / n]的线性组合,其中n是总点数,m是离散时间指数。 在您的注释中,这将是exp[2 pi i m k / N],因为您使用N表示总点数。


请注意,DFT使用指数;这些是 sine函数。 如果要根据离散傅立叶变换系数建立时域信号,则必须使用与DFT本身相同的函数! 因此,你可以试试这个:

FFF = zeros(N)
for i in range(300):
    FFF += fftcoeffs[i]*np.exp(2*pi*i*freqs[i]*t)
plt.plot(t, FFF)



最后的拼图块与称为锯齿的效果有关。 假设您采用信号exp[2 pi i (N + p) m / N]的DFT。 如果您计算它,您会发现除A_k之外,所有A_p都为零。 事实上,如果你采用exp[2 pi i p m / N]的DFT,你会得到相同的东西。 您可以看到频率大于N的任何复指数都显示为频率较低。 特别是,频率为q + b Nb为任意整数的任何复数指数看起来都具有频率q

现在假设我们有一个时域信号cos(2 pi p m / N)。 这等于

(1/2)[ (exp(2 pi i p m / N) + exp(-2 pi i p m / N) ]

负频率对DFT产生了有趣的影响。 频率-p可以写为(N-p) + N。 其格式为q + b N q = N - pb=1。 因此,负频率-p看起来像N - p

numpy函数fftfreq知道这一点。 看看fftfreq的输出,你会看到它从零开始,运行到采样频率的一半(称为奈奎斯特频率),然后变为负数! 这是为了帮助您处理我们刚才描述的锯齿效果。

所有这一切的结果是,如果你想通过求和最低频率傅立叶分量来近似函数,那么想要从fftfreq中取出最低的几个元素。 相反,您希望按绝对值排序fftfreq,然后将复数指数与这些频率相加。

另请查看np.fft.hfft。 此函数旨在处理实值函数以及与它们相关的别名问题。


由于这是一个相当难以口头讨论的问题,因此这里的脚本完全符合您的要求。 请注意,我在这些注释所描述的代码块之后添加了注释。 确保安装了matplotlib(在您的虚拟环境中......您使用虚拟环境,对吧?)。 如果您有任何疑问,请发表评论。

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

pi = np.pi

def square_function(N, square_width):
    """Generate a square signal.

        N (int): Total number of points in the signal.
        square_width (int): Number of "high" points.

    Returns (ndarray):
        A square signal which looks like this:

              |<-- square_width -->
              |                    ______________
              |^                   ^            ^
        index |0             square_width      N-1

        In other words, the output has [0:N]=1 and [N:]=0.
    signal = np.zeros(N)
    signal[0:square_width] = 1
    return signal

def check_num_coefficients_ok(N, num_coefficients):
    """Make sure we're not trying to add more coefficients than we have."""
    limit = None
    if N % 2 == 0 and num_coefficients > N // 2:
        limit = N/2
    elif N % 2 == 1 and num_coefficients > (N - 1)/2:
        limit = (N - 1)/2
    if limit is not None:
        raise ValueError(
            "num_coefficients is {} but should not be larger than {}".format(
                num_coefficients, limit))

def test(N, square_width, num_coefficients):
    """Test partial (i.e. filtered) Fourier reconstruction of a square signal.

        N (int): Number of time (and frequency) points. We support both even
            and odd N.
        square_width (int): Number of "high" points in the time domain signal.
            This number must be less than or equal to N.
        num_coefficients (int): Number of frequencies, in addition to the dc
            term, to use in Fourier reconstruction. This is the number of
            positive frequencies _and_ the number of negative frequencies.
            Therefore, if N is odd, this number cannot be larger than
            (N - 1)/2, and if N is even this number cannot be larger than
    if square_width > N:
        raise ValueError("square_width cannot be larger than N")
    check_num_coefficients_ok(N, num_coefficients)

    time_axis = np.linspace(0, N-1, N)

    signal = square_function(N, square_width)
    ft = np.fft.fft(signal)

    reconstructed_signal = np.zeros(N)
    reconstructed_signal += ft[0] * np.ones(N)
    # Adding the dc term explicitly makes the looping easier in the next step.

    for k in range(num_coefficients):
        k += 1  # Bump by one since we already took care of the dc term.
        if k == N-k:
            reconstructed_signal += ft[k] * np.exp(
                1.0j*2 * pi * (k) * time_axis / N)
        # This catches the case where N is even and ensures we don't double-
        # count the frequency k=N/2.

            reconstructed_signal += ft[k] * np.exp(
                1.0j*2 * pi * (k) * time_axis / N)
            reconstructed_signal += ft[N-k] * np.exp(
                1.0j*2 * pi * (N-k) * time_axis / N)
        # In this case we're just adding a frequency component and it's
        # "partner" at minus the frequency

    reconstructed_signal = reconstructed_signal / N
    # Normalize by the number of points in the signal. numpy's discete Fourier
    # transform convention puts the (1/N) normalization factor in the inverse
    # transform, so we have to do it here.

    plt.plot(time_axis, signal,
             'b.', markersize=20,
    plt.plot(time_axis, reconstructed_signal.real,
             'r-', linewidth=3,
    # The imaginary part is zero anyway. We take the real part to
    # avoid matplotlib warnings.

    plt.legend(loc='upper right')

答案 1 :(得分:0)


