VBA和Stackoverflow的新手,但喜欢学习VBA以及它能做些什么。 我已经做了一些小代码工作,并且有了很好的开始,以实现这一目标。
我有一个名为Master Copy Ledger的Userform,它有一个带有列表框的Userform(从工作表中提取的人的名字),文本框(在文本框上面有12个月的标签,在左边有标签,有我想要的数据)基于从列表框中选择的名称或在文本框旁边的getdata命令按钮从不同的工作簿中检索)
我想要得到的数据是在同一个工作簿中(现在),A列中的人名和B,C,D到L列中的每个属性。 我现在有一个工作副本,当我选择一个名字时,我得到了Sheet1(Jan)的数据,但是现在需要弄清楚如何将Sheet2(Feb),Sheet3(Mar)等输入Userform并且它应该进入单独的文本框或我可以拉伸原始文本框。如果我必须使用单独的文本框,那么我假设我必须为每个'getdata'函数创建新代码,就像我在orignal中所做的那样,或者是否有一个循环函数来检查所有工作表并查找名称并获取数据和放入文本框(拉伸)或单独的文本框。最终我将学习从不同的工作簿学习,但需要从某个地方开始,同样的工作簿是代码现在工作的地方所以我说顺其自然把它打包然后我将查看不同的工作簿(20xxperformance.xlsx),它是1级,一旦找到该名称,它会从每列收集数据并将其放在正确的文本框中。 现在我在20xxperformance中有一个userform的工作副本
Private Sub cbo_Agent_Change()
Dim Rws As Long, ConRng As Range, AdhRng As Range, AHTRng As Range, ACWRng As Range, TcktsRng As Range, LMIRng As Range, UnderRng As Range, KnowRng As Range, OvrSatRng As Range, OvrScoRng As Range, NPSRng As Range, Agnt As Range
Rws = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Set Rng = Range(Cells(2, 1), Cells(Rws, 1))
Set Agnt = Rng.Find(what:=cbo_Agent, lookat:=xlWhole)
Set ConRng = Agnt.Offset(0, 1) 'set ConRng
Set AdhRng = Agnt.Offset(0, 2) 'set AdhRng
Set AHTRng = Agnt.Offset(0, 3) 'set AHTRng
Set ACWRng = Agnt.Offset(0, 4) 'set AHTRng
Set TcktsRng = Agnt.Offset(0, 5) 'set TcktsRng
Set LMIRng = Agnt.Offset(0, 6) 'set LMIRng
Set UnderRng = Agnt.Offset(0, 7) 'set UnderRng
Set KnowRng = Agnt.Offset(0, 8) 'set KnowRng
Set OvrSatRng = Agnt.Offset(0, 9) 'set OvrSatRng
Set OvrScoRng = Agnt.Offset(0, 10) 'set OvrScoRng
Set NPSRng = Agnt.Offset(0, 11) 'set NPSRng
txt_Con = ConRng
txt_Adh = AdhRng
txt_AHT = AHTRng
txt_ACW = ACWRng
txt_tckts = TcktsRng
txt_LMI = LMIRng
txt_Under = UnderRng
txt_Know = KnowRng
txt_Osat = OvrSatRng
txt_OScor = OvrScoRng
txt_NPS = NPSRng
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim Rws As Long, Rng As Range
Rws = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Set Rng = Range(Cells(2, 1), Cells(Rws, 1))
cbo_Agent.List = Rng.Value
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Public Sub comboval()
Dim spath As String
spath = "file path"
Workbooks.Open Filename:=spath
With ActiveWorkbook
Combobox1.List = .Sheets("Sheet1").Range("namedranmge1").Value
Combobox2.List = .Sheets("Sheet2").Range("namedranmge2").Value
.Close 0
End With
End Sub
详细命名范围Click Here
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Controls(sh.Name & x).Value = .Cells(r, 1 + x)
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim x As Integer
Dim rws As Long, rng As Range, c As Range, r
For Each sh In Sheets
With sh
rws = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Set rng = .Range(.Cells(2, 1), .Cells(rws, 1))
Set c = rng.Find(what:=ComboBox1, lookat:=xlWhole)
r = c.Row
For x = 1 To 3
Controls(sh.Name & x).Value = .Cells(r, 1 + x)
Next x
End With
Next sh
End Sub
答案 2 :(得分:0)
Private Sub cbo_Agent_Change(Target_Workbook As Workbook)
Dim Rws As Long, ConRng As Range, AdhRng As Range, AHTRng As Range, ACWRng As Range, TcktsRng As Range, LMIRng As Range, UnderRng As Range, KnowRng As Range, OvrSatRng As Range, OvrScoRng As Range, NPSRng As Range, Agnt As Range
Dim intCounter As Integer
Dim control_item
Dim Rng
Dim total_counter(11) As Single
Dim total_items As Integer
Dim Rng0
For intCounter = 1 To 12 'Goes through each individual month looking for stats
Rws = Target_Workbook.Worksheets(intCounter).Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
If Rws > 1 Then 'This confirms there are stats for this month
With Target_Workbook.Worksheets(intCounter)
Set Rng = .Range(.Cells(2, 1), .Cells(Rws, 1))
Set Agnt = Rng.Find(what:=lstNames, lookat:=xlWhole) 'Search for the employee in pull down menu
End With
Set ConRng = Agnt.Offset(0, 1) 'set ConRng
Set AdhRng = Agnt.Offset(0, 2) 'set AdhRng
Set AHTRng = Agnt.Offset(0, 3) 'set AHTRng
Set ACWRng = Agnt.Offset(0, 4) 'set AHTRng
Set TcktsRng = Agnt.Offset(0, 5) 'set TcktsRng
Set LMIRng = Agnt.Offset(0, 6) 'set LMIRng
Set UnderRng = Agnt.Offset(0, 7) 'set UnderRng
Set KnowRng = Agnt.Offset(0, 8) 'set KnowRng
Set OvrSatRng = Agnt.Offset(0, 9) 'set OvrSatRng
Set OvrScoRng = Agnt.Offset(0, 10) 'set OvrScoRng
Set NPSRng = Agnt.Offset(0, 11) 'set NPSRng
'This fills the table with data
With MonthlyStats 'These save all the information to the necessary text fields
.Controls("txt_Con" & intCounter) = VBA.Format(ConRng, "0.0%")
.Controls("txt_Adh" & intCounter) = VBA.Format(AdhRng, "0.0%")
.Controls("txt_AHT" & intCounter) = AHTRng
.Controls("txt_ACW" & intCounter) = ACWRng
.Controls("txt_tckts" & intCounter) = VBA.Format(TcktsRng, "0.0%")
.Controls("txt_LMI" & intCounter) = LMIRng
.Controls("txt_Under" & intCounter) = VBA.Format(UnderRng, "0.0%")
.Controls("txt_Know" & intCounter) = VBA.Format(KnowRng, "0.0%")
.Controls("txt_Osat" & intCounter) = VBA.Format(OvrSatRng, "0.0%")
.Controls("txt_OScor" & intCounter) = VBA.Format(OvrScoRng, "0.0%")
.Controls("txt_NPS" & intCounter) = VBA.Format(NPSRng, "0.0%")
End With
'This keeps track of all the values for each row to later be used to figure out the average
total_counter(0) = total_counter(0) + ConRng
total_counter(1) = total_counter(1) + AdhRng
total_counter(2) = total_counter(2) + AHTRng
total_counter(3) = total_counter(3) + ACWRng
total_counter(4) = total_counter(4) + TcktsRng
total_counter(5) = total_counter(5) + LMIRng
total_counter(6) = total_counter(6) + UnderRng
total_counter(7) = total_counter(7) + KnowRng
total_counter(8) = total_counter(8) + OvrSatRng
total_counter(9) = total_counter(9) + OvrScoRng
total_counter(10) = total_counter(10) + NPSRng
total_items = total_items + 1
End If
'This will figure out the average of each line
txt_ConfYTD = VBA.Format(total_counter(0) / total_items, "0.0%")
txt_AdhYTD = VBA.Format(total_counter(1) / total_items, "0.0%")
txt_AHTYTD = VBA.Format(total_counter(2) / total_items, "0.00")
txt_ACWYTD = VBA.Format(total_counter(3) / total_items, "0.00")
txt_tcktsYTD = VBA.Format(total_counter(4) / total_items, "0.0%")
txt_LMIYTD = VBA.Format(total_counter(5) / total_items, "0.00")
txt_UnderYTD = VBA.Format(total_counter(6) / total_items, "0.0%")
txt_KnowYTD = VBA.Format(total_counter(7) / intCounter, "0.0%")
txt_OsatYTD = VBA.Format(total_counter(8) / intCounter, "0.0%")
txt_OScorYTD = VBA.Format(total_counter(9) / intCounter, "0.0%")
txt_NPSYTD = VBA.Format(total_counter(10) / intCounter, "0.0%")
End Sub