定义SIZE 100 // 100个条目(文件上100行)
FILE *fptr;
char filename[100];
char dummy1[1];//dummy character that help me to erase what is the buffer when using gets()
int numberOfSensors;
int time[SENSORN][SIZE];
float powerConsumption[SENSORN][SIZE];
int sensor_num;
int count1 = 0;
printf("Please enter the number of sensors: ");
scanf("%d", &numberOfSensors);
//Asking for the link
//numberOfSensors - 1 because for example, if we want only 2 sensors we need sensor0 and sensor1 only
for (sensor_num = 0; sensor_num <= (numberOfSensors - 1); sensor_num++)
printf("Please enter the file location for sensor %d\n", sensor_num);
printf("NOTE: use double backslashes to enter file location \n");
gets(dummy1);//clearing the buffer
fptr = fopen(filename, "r");
//if file cannot be opened, then display and error message
if (fptr == NULL)
printf("Error opening the file! %s \n", filename);
printf("Please restart the program \n");
return 0; //exit the program
//Loop that let us read and print all the file by storing each value to its respective array
while (!feof(fptr))
//storing all the values in their respective array
//sensor_num is the sensor number
//count1 is the line number we are reading from the file
fscanf(fptr, "%d %f", &time[sensor_num][count1], &powerConsumption[sensor_num][count1]);
//making sure we have all the values stored
//Note: do not comment the following line in order to check that all values are stored
fprintf(stdout, "%d %6.2f \n", time[sensor_num][count1], powerConsumption[sensor_num][count1]);
非常感谢你! :d