trait GraphTypes {
trait Node {
def size: Double
trait HasBigAndSmallNodes extends GraphTypes {
trait BigNode extends super.Node {
override def size = 5.00
trait SmallNode extends super.Node {
override def size = 0.05
trait NodesHaveHappiness extends GraphTypes {
trait Node extends super.Node {
def happiness = size * 2.0 // Ideally, .happiness would mix in
} // to BigNode and SmallNode.
object ACertainGraph extends GraphTypes
with NodesHaveHappiness with HasBigAndSmallNodes
val big = new BigNode { }
val small = new SmallNode { }
println(big.happiness) // error: value happiness is not a member of Graph.BigNode
(但请参阅this question)。不过,我不想明确地写出来。我希望能够将节点类型放入定义节点属性的“特征包”中的单独“特征包”中,并将它们混合在一起(以某种方式),以便所有节点类型都获得所有节点属性。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
中定义的对象不起作用。你反而说是一个Graph 是一个节点,这很奇怪。
trait Node
class SizedNode(val size: Double)
trait HappyNode extends SizedNode { // Here you specify that a happy node requires a size, so happines is well defined.
def happiness = size * 2.0
trait SmartNode extends Node {
def saySomethingSmart() = println("E = mc^2")
object Graph {
def createBigNode() = new SizedNode(5.0) with HappyNode with SmartNode // Here you can "bundle" as many traits as you want.
def createSmallNode() = new SizedNode(0.05) with HappyNode
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
println(Graph.createBigNode().happiness) // 10.0
println(Graph.createSmallNode.happiness) // 0.1
Graph.createBigNode().saySomethingSmart() // E = mc^2