读取大小的二进制文件,其中gfortran / size为RECL = OPEN语句

时间:2015-11-26 22:07:44

标签: fortran 32bit-64bit gfortran

以下部分代码在RECL< 2,147,483,647:

mult = imax*jmax*kmax*sizeofdouble
PRINT *,mult
OPEN (UNIT=2000, FILE=binaryFile, FORM='unformatted',access='direct',recl=mult)
READ (2000,rec=1) fromBinary
CLOSE (2000)

对于较大的值,即使 mult 打印正确( 是64位整数),我也会收到错误Fortran runtime error: RECL parameter is non-positive in OPEN statement。显然,这是由于错误#44292


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


gawk -v p=1 '
    /^PATTERN2/ {          # when we we see the 2nd marker:

        # close the "write" end of the pipe to sort. Then sort will know it
        # has all the data and it can begin sorting
        close("sort", "to");

        # then sort will print out the sorted results, so read and print that
        while (("sort" |& getline line) >0) print line 

        # and turn the boolean back to true
    p  {print}             # if p is true, print the line
    !p {print |& "sort"}   # if p is false, send the line to `sort`
    /^PATTERN1/ {p=0}      # when we see the first marker, turn off printing

根据数组OPEN (UNIT=2000, FILE=binaryFile, FORM='unformatted',access='stream') READ (2000) fromBinary CLOSE (2000) 的大小,它将根据需要读取多个字节。
