<input type="text"
ng-keypress="nonNumericInput($event)" >
移动应用程序的输入文本字段(应用程序使用ionic和angularjs),它与控制器中的$ scope.emp.eedKey007映射。 我想使这个文本字段非数字。如果用户想插入任何数字值,他将无法输入文本字段(MOBILE)
$scope.nonNumericInput = function ($event) {
console.log("key presed");
$scope.showFixAlert = function() {
var alertPopup = $ionicPopup.alert({
title: $translate('Info'),
template: $translate('Invalid Input ...')
var charCode = $event.keyCode;
if (charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57)) {
console.log("Character is pressed");
} else {
/**/ what code should i need to use here so that i can restrict numeric value inserted in text field.**
// in below code i try to replace the numeric character with blank character. which is assigned in eedKey007 but its not working correctly . I can't blank the textfield on numeric value insertion.
var StringLang = $scope.emp.eedKey007;
$scope.emp.eedKey007 = StringLang.replace(StringLang.slice(-1),'');
答案 0 :(得分:0)
使用$ event.preventDefault();在你的情况下。它会阻止将数值输入到输入框。