在并行运行测试时获取WebApi OWIN自托管的自由端口

时间:2015-11-25 00:32:55

标签: c# multithreading asp.net-web-api owin ncrunch

我在使用NCrunch在 parallel 中运行我的测试时使用OWIN自我主机Web API,我在BeforeEach中启动它并在AfterEach方法中停止。


System.Net.HttpListenerException : Failed to listen on prefix  
'http://localhost:3369/' because it conflicts with an existing registration on the machine.



public class BaseSteps
    private const int PortRangeStart = 3368;
    private const int PortRangeEnd = 8968;
    private static long _portNumber = PortRangeStart;
    private IDisposable _webServer;


    public void Before()
        Url = GetFullUrl();
        _webServer = WebApp.Start<TestStartup>(Url);

    public void After()

    private static string GetFullUrl()
        var ipAddress = IPAddress.Loopback;

        var portAvailable = GetAvailablePort(PortRangeStart, PortRangeEnd, ipAddress);

        return String.Format("http://{0}:{1}/", "localhost", portAvailable);

    private static int GetAvailablePort(int rangeStart, int rangeEnd, IPAddress ip, bool includeIdlePorts = false)
        IPGlobalProperties ipProps = IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties();

        // if the ip we want a port on is an 'any' or loopback port we need to exclude all ports that are active on any IP
        Func<IPAddress, bool> isIpAnyOrLoopBack = i => IPAddress.Any.Equals(i) ||
                                                       IPAddress.IPv6Any.Equals(i) ||
                                                       IPAddress.Loopback.Equals(i) ||
        // get all active ports on specified IP.
        List<ushort> excludedPorts = new List<ushort>();

        // if a port is open on an 'any' or 'loopback' interface then include it in the excludedPorts
        excludedPorts.AddRange(from n in ipProps.GetActiveTcpConnections()
                                   n.LocalEndPoint.Port >= rangeStart &&
                                   n.LocalEndPoint.Port <= rangeEnd && (
                                   isIpAnyOrLoopBack(ip) || n.LocalEndPoint.Address.Equals(ip) ||
                                    isIpAnyOrLoopBack(n.LocalEndPoint.Address)) &&
                                    (!includeIdlePorts || n.State != TcpState.TimeWait)
                               select (ushort)n.LocalEndPoint.Port);

        excludedPorts.AddRange(from n in ipProps.GetActiveTcpListeners()
                               where n.Port >= rangeStart && n.Port <= rangeEnd && (
                               isIpAnyOrLoopBack(ip) || n.Address.Equals(ip) || isIpAnyOrLoopBack(n.Address))
                               select (ushort)n.Port);

        excludedPorts.AddRange(from n in ipProps.GetActiveUdpListeners()
                               where n.Port >= rangeStart && n.Port <= rangeEnd && (
                               isIpAnyOrLoopBack(ip) || n.Address.Equals(ip) || isIpAnyOrLoopBack(n.Address))
                               select (ushort)n.Port);


        for (int port = rangeStart; port <= rangeEnd; port++)
            if (!excludedPorts.Contains((ushort)port) && Interlocked.Read(ref _portNumber) < port)
                Interlocked.Increment(ref _portNumber);

                return port;

        return 0;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


if (!excludedPorts.Contains((ushort)port) && Interlocked.Read(ref _portNumber) < port)
    Interlocked.Increment(ref _portNumber);
    return port;


其次,问题是由错误的逻辑定义端口是否可用:Interlocked.ReadInterlocked.Increment之间的其他线程可以执行相同的检查并返回相同的端口! EG:

  1. 主题A:检查3369:它不在excludedPorts_portNumber等于3368,因此检查通过。但是停下来,我会想一会儿......
  2. 主题B:检查3369:它不在excludedPorts_portNumber等于3368,所以检查也通过了!哇,我很兴奋,让它Increment,然后返回3369
  3. 主题A:好的,我们在哪里?哦,是的,Increment并返回3369
  4. 典型的比赛条件。您可以通过两种方式解决它:

    • 使用CAS-operation CompareExchange from Interlocked class(您可以删除port变量,如下所示(请自行测试此代码):

      var portNumber = _portNumber;
      if (excludedPorts.Contains((ushort)portNumber))
          // if port already taken
      if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _portNumber, portNumber + 1, portNumber) != portNumber))
          // if exchange operation failed, other thread passed through
      // only one thread can succeed
      return portNumber;
    • 使用静态ConcurrentDictionary端口,并为它们添加新端口,如下所示(您可以选择其他集合):

      // static field in your class
      // value item isn't useful
      static ConcurrentDictionary<int, bool>() ports = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, bool>();
      foreach (var p in excludedPorts)
          // you may check here is the adding the port succeed
          ports.TryAdd(p, true);
      var portNumber = _portNumber;
      if (!ports.TryAdd(portNumber, true))
      return portNumber;