
时间:2015-11-24 15:46:55

标签: java swing user-interface actionlistener

我有一个有三个功能的程序;读取文件,写入文件并搜索文件中的特定文本。我正在创建一个与它一起使用的GUI,以便我不再依赖于控制台。我已经创建了一个功能齐全的“主窗口”和关于上述三个功能的功能按钮,以及一个退出按钮。现在我正在使用我的搜索功能的GUI窗口 - 创建窗口作为对单击的搜索按钮的响应。 我的窗口和组件按照我想要的方式布局,但是当用户在输入要搜索的字符串后按Enter键时,我无法设置动作监听器。 < / strong>我看了很多不同的资源,包括SOverflow,javadoc和actionlistener教程;但是我无处可去。


public class SimpleDBGUI{
    static File targetFile;                                                                                         //Declare File var to be used in methods below for holding user's desired file
    static JTextField sdbTarget;
    static JTextField searchTerm;

    public void mainWindow(){

        //Create main window for Program
        JFrame mainWindow = new JFrame("Simple Data Base");                                                         //Init frame
        mainWindow.setSize(500, 180);                                                                               //Set frame size
        mainWindow.setVisible(true);                                                                                //Make frame visible

        //Create panel for the main window of the GUI
        JPanel simpleGUI = new JPanel( new GridBagLayout());
        GridBagConstraints gbCons = new GridBagConstraints();
        mainWindow.getContentPane().add(simpleGUI);                                                                 //Adds JPanel container to the ContentPane of the JFrame

        //Create button linking to the search function
        JButton searchButton = new JButton("Search");                                                               //Init button with text
        gbCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
        gbCons.gridx = 1;
        gbCons.gridy = 2;
        gbCons.weightx = .1;
        searchButton.addActionListener( new ButtonClickListener());
        simpleGUI.add(searchButton, gbCons);                                                                        //Adds the "Search" button to the JPanel

        //Create TextField for user to input a desired file
        sdbTarget = new JTextField();
        gbCons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
        gbCons.gridx = 0;
        gbCons.gridy = 1;
        gbCons.gridwidth = 3;
        simpleGUI.add(sdbTarget, gbCons);                                                                           //Adds TextField to GUI

    public class ButtonClickListener implements ActionListener{                                                     //Sets the EventListener for every function

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){

            targetFile = new File(sdbTarget.getText());
            String function = event.getActionCommand();                                                             //Reads the ActionCommand into a string for use in performing desired function

            if( function.equals("Search")){                                                                         //Search Function, draws search window and components
                JFrame searchWindow = new JFrame("SimpleDB Search");                                                //Draw window
                searchWindow.setSize(500, 200);

                JPanel searchGUI = new JPanel( new GridBagLayout());                                                //Create container and add to window 
                GridBagConstraints gb1Cons = new GridBagConstraints();

                JLabel searchPrompt = new JLabel("Please input the word/phrase you wish to find:");                 //Prompt user to specify string to search for
                gb1Cons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
                gb1Cons.gridy = 0;
                gb1Cons.gridx = 0;
                //gb1Cons.weighty = .1;
                searchGUI.add(searchPrompt, gb1Cons);                                                               //Add prompt to container

                JTextField searchTerm = new JTextField();                                                           //Create JTextField for user input and add to container
                gb1Cons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
                gb1Cons.gridy = 1;
                gb1Cons.gridx = 0;
                //gb1Cons.weighty = .1;
                searchGUI.add(searchTerm, gb1Cons); 
                searchTerm.addActionListener(this);                                                                 //Assign ActionListener to JTextField

                JTextArea searchResult = new JTextArea();                                                           //Create search output box and add to container
                gb1Cons.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
                gb1Cons.gridy = 2;
                gb1Cons.gridx = 0;
                //gb1Cons.weighty = .1;
                searchGUI.add(searchResult, gb1Cons);

                public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event){        //Tried this as one event handler, supposed to execute the following upon the user pressing Enter, failed of course

                    boolean stringFound = false;                                                                    //Set flag false
                        Scanner searchFile = new Scanner(targetFile);                                               //Read file to be searched into a scanner
                        String searchInput = searchTerm.getText();                                                  //Read term to search for into a string

                        while( searchFile.hasNextLine()){                                                           //Check that specified file has a next line and:
                            String searchLine = searchFile.nextLine();                                                  //Read line into string
                            if( searchLine.contains(searchInput)){                                                      //Check that Line contains searched term and:
                                stringFound = true;                                                                         //If line contains term, set flag to true
                                searchResult.append("**" + searchLine + "**");                                              //Append line with term to output box
                        }searchFile.close();                                                                        //Close scanner

                            searchResult.append("The term(s) you searched for does not exist in this file");        //Output if line does not contain term
                    }catch(IOException e) {
                        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)





您正在将actionListener添加到JTextField searchTerm,您添加的actionListener实际上是ButtonClickListener,因此您已经拥有actionPerformed方法,因此同样的方法!!!


当您在searchTerm按Enter键时,ButtonClickListener.actionPerformed会被调用,如果您尝试在文本字段中写“搜索”,您会看到有趣的内容 !! < / p>


searchTerm.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

答案 1 :(得分:1)



searchTerm.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {             