来自Amazon MySQL RDS实例的错误电子邮件" awsrds - *** - 生产 - 高数据库连接"

时间:2015-11-24 06:42:44

标签: mysql amazon-web-services amazon-rds

我们有MySQL Amazon RDS生产实例,我们已在亚马逊中激活了错误电子邮件。我们收到了以下电子邮件,我们的MySQL服务器实例已经停止并自动重启。我想知道原因。


reason for State Change:    Threshold Crossed: 1 datapoint (201.0) was greater than or equal to the threshold (200.0).

- Timestamp:                  Sunda
- AWS Account:                 Threshold:

- The alarm is in the ALARM state when the metric is GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold 200.0 for 60 seconds. 
Monitored Metric:
- MetricNamespace:            AWS/RDS
- MetricName:                 DatabaseConnections " It seems high DB connection reaches in MySQL server.


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您的亚马逊RDS实例配置为最多200个连接。你只需要201个连接,亚马逊让你知道它。您可以阅读有关cloudwatch alarms here in the documentation的更多信息。
