答案 0 :(得分:0)
query = "Create Table #PaperTypeMapping(LaminationTitleId int, PaperTypeId int)";
//For each value of Paper Type Id you will need to insert a row
query = "Insert Into #PaperTypeMapping(LaminationTitleId, PaperTypeId) Values(@laminationId, @paperTypeId)";
//Update existing values
query = "Update OldMapping Set OldMapping.ActiveStatus = 1 FROM LaminationTitleRelation OldMapping Inner join #PapertTypeMapping NewMapping ON OldMapping.LamTitleId = NewMapping.LaminationTitleId and OldMapping.PaperTypeId = NewMapping.PaperTypeId"
//Insert new values
query = "Insert into LaminationTitleRelation(lamTitleId, PapertTypeId, ActiveStatus) Select LaminationTitleId, PapertTYpeId, 1 From #PaperTypeMapping NewMapping where NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM LaminationTitleRelation OldMapping WHERE OldMapping.LamTitleId = NewMapping.LaminationTitleId and OldMapping.PaperTypeId = NewMapping.PaperTypeId)";
或者您也可以使用以下链接作为MS SQL Merge
的内置实用程序答案 1 :(得分:-1)
protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
DB = new DBFunctions();
string vItems = mGetSelectedItems();
string vQuery = "Update laminationtitle Set title='" + txtLaminationTitle.Text + "',laminationtypeid='" + ddlProductType.SelectedValue + "' where laminationid='" + Request.QueryString["laminationid"] + "'";
int x = DB.SetData(vQuery);
DataTable dSelect = new DataTable();
DataTable dAll = new DataTable();
DB = new DBFunctions();
DB1 = new DBFunctions();
if (x > 0) {
int y = DB.SetData("delete from laminationtitlepapertyperelation where lamtitleid=" + Request.QueryString["laminationid"]);
if (y > 0) {
string[] values = vItems.Split(',');
for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) {
vQuery = "insert into laminationtitlepapertyperelation(lamtitleid, papertypeid, activestatus)VALUES('" + Request.QueryString["laminationid"].ToString() + "','" + values[i] + "',1)";
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), " Update Lamination Title", "alert('Lamination " + '"' + txtLaminationTitle.Text + '"' + " Title Updated Sucessfully');window.location='ManageLaminationTitle.aspx';", true);